2: 'Thank you' my ass!

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^ Here we have our main girl and her wolf

My eyes slowly flicker open and i am greeted by loud shuffles and bangs coming from down the hall. I let out an irritated groan as i role over and brush my knotted hair out of my eyes. My gaze catches the curtains to see that there is no sunlight shining through yet.

With another groan, i push myself up onto my elbows to reach over for my phone. I squint my eyes as the harsh light illuminated my dark room, and my eyes eventually clear to focus on the time.


My alarm isn't supposed to go off for another 3 hours?! Sleep is the only escape I can get from the torture that is being a WhiteClaw pack prisoner, and lets just say I'm not the happiest when its cut short. Hell, I'm not happy when I have to wake up at all, regardless of how long I've slept.

Setting my phone back down harshly, I reach for the bottle of water beside my bed and take a few large gulps to lessen the dry feeling in the back of my throat. I reached down and picked my duvet back up off the floor before rolling back over and trying to get back to sleep.

For the life of me, I cannot sleep still and always wake up with my duvet on the floor, or at least sideways. I turned my pillow over to get the cool side and then settled back down.

A few seconds later, another loud bang emerges from down the hall as a silent curse follows it. Deciding that I wasn't about to get back to sleep, I push myself back up onto my elbows and reach over to turn on the lamp. Even that took too much effort too early as I flopped back down, my face buried into the pillow.

After some mental self-motivation speeches, I managed to role off to the side of my bed and sit up. I stretched and wiped at my eyes before slumping back down and sweeping my eyes around the room. I threw my duvet over to the other side of the bed as I stood up to stretch my legs, straightened out my shirt, and began to hobble over to my door.

Stood in the doorway, I squint my eyes and look down as I try to get used to the abrasive light in the hallway. My eyes eventually adapt as I am greeted by 2 suitcases stacked at the top of the stairs, and another one sat at the bottom. My gaze flicks to the right as another grunt is heard to see my parents door wide open, the light on.

I let out a large yawn as I spin back around to grab some slippers and begin to head down the hall to see what the noise was about.

Stood in front on their door, I look in to find my dad brutally trying to force another suitcase shut as my mum stands by their open wardrobe, elegantly folding shirts and laying them into ANOTHER suitcase.

"What's going on? And why at 4am?" I manage to force out as another yawn sneaks up on me. As I bring my hand up to rub at my eyes again, I see my mums gaze flick up to me as dad continues leaning on the suitcase in anger.

"Mickey! Morning sweetheart. How are you?" I could see a reflection of the immense sadness from last night return. I guess hoping that she would forget what i said over night was a bit naïve of me.

"Alright, I guess. Wondering why I've been woken up at 4am?" I try to add a hint of amusement to my words to reassure her, but they just come out emotionless and blunt. There never used to be a day in this house where we weren't laughing at one another, but ever since that day 4 years ago, talking has been kept to a minimum.

Mostly from my side.

"Sorry about that Mickey. This damn case has been pissing me off for the past 20 minutes now, but your mother here seems to think that watching me struggle is more entertaining than helping out." By now, dad is leant over the case, his face red as he tries to force the zip around, but every time he shifts position, it pops back open.

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