Chapter 4-pain will always leave

Start from the beginning

"Give me the case! Please! Come on!" Tony continues to yell as he clapped for them to hurry.

"Shut the hell up tony!" Elliott grabbed the case and threw it out of the car towards tony.

As soon as the case landed in front of tony, he instantly grabbed it, it was his iron man suit.

In a matter of seconds the suit was fully on him, the difference from this one and the first one Elliott saw him wear was that this was red and silver.

Tony pushed the car away from the whiplash and himself.

"This man is gonna get us killed" Elliott mumbled. He placed a hand on pepper's shoulder to try and calm her down.

When Elliott was able to get a good look at what was happening, the man had tony stuck in the electric wires, he threw him a few times around, until he finally stopped and held him with one wire.

"Okay he doesn't have this" Elliott quickly shifted into his wolf form.

"Elliott no!" Elliott ignored happy and pepper's complaints and jumped out the car, he sprinted to the man, he jumped onto him, he dropped him to the ground clawing at his metal exo suit.

Tony was able to loosen the grip of the cables off of him.

But not all was good for the wolf, the man grabbed him by the scruff and threw him a few feet away, Elliott rolled to a stop.

When he looked up the second wire he had came straight for him, Elliott tried to Dodge the hit but ultimately it was to late, it hit him in the side, it tore off skin and flesh.

Elliott yelped in tremendous pain.

Not to far away from the fight, Natalie stood by the gate, her face fell and panic took over at the horrible sight. Blood fell from Elliott's wound, leaving him in a puddle of his own blood.

Out of rage tony pulled the man closer to him, hitting him a few times in the gut, he flipped him over his shoulder and the man harshly hit the ground.

Tony walked over to him and ripped out the arch reactor.

Police quickly took the man away, his final words before his departure. "You lose!"

"You lose. You lose, stark!" Tony looked at the reactor in his hand and crushed it.

Elliott whimpered in pain.

Natalie rushed into the race track and immediately went to Elliott, she got on her knees and started to examine his wounds.

The burns Will surely leave scars on his wolf form, who knows what will happen to Elliott, the human Elliott.

Tony walked up to Natalie and Elliott, his helmet opened up to show his worried face. "You'll be alright kid" tony reassured. The pain he felt in his chest for letting Elliott get hurt couldn't be compared to anything else.

"It's okay, I asked for it" Elliott managed to say.

The sirens of the Abilene got closer until they made a final stop close by.

"You'll need to shift back for the doctors to help you" Natalie said softly, her hand lightly pressed against his wounds, she didn't care about getting dirty.

"No. Not in front of everyone" Elliott didn't like the idea of being known.

"You have to, or else it'll get worse" Natalie said strictly. She removed the bowtie collar from his neck.

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