Chapter 2-stark expo

Start from the beginning

Hours passed, and it was now time for the stark expo.

Elliott did his best to look good, Tony had decided to make him ware a suit, with Elliott hated.

Happy, Tony's friend or assistant, Elliott doesn't know what to call him, drove him to the expo.

He quickly made his was through the crowd of people in New York, he was still very paranoid.

He decided to watch it from one of the higher platforms above the big crowd on the floor closest to the stage.

Loud music blasted through the speakers, AC/DC shoot to thrill.

Elliott looked up to see tony in his suit fall through a opening in the roof.

He landed with a loud clank, the girls who were dressed in an iron man two piece were dancing behind him.

A few claws that came from the ground, removing the suit.

The song ended, and the girls left the stage.

Tony turned to crowd of people in front of him. "Oh it's good to be back" he clapped. "You missed me"

"Blow something up!" Someone yelled from the crowd.

"Blow something up? Already did that" it was true, Tony somehow blew up the stove while trying to make a pizza around 12 pm.

"I'm not saying that the world is enjoying its longest period of uninterrupted peace in years because of me" Elliott rolled his eyes at Tony's attitude.

The crowd cheered loudly after he said that.

"I'm not saying that from the ashes of captivity, never has a grater Phoenix metaphor been personified in human history!" Tony extended his arms outwards.

"I'm not saying that Uncle Sam can kick back on a lawn chair, sipping on a ice tea because I haven't come across anyone who's man enough to go toe-to-toe with me on my best day!"

As you would expect everyone cheered, some even said they loved him.

Elliott doesn't understand how random people could love a stranger.

"Please, it's not about me" tony waved him arms to get the crowd to stop. "It's not about you. It's not even about us. It's about legacy. It's about what we choose to leave behind for the future generations, and that's why for the next year and for the first time since 1974 the best and brightest men and women of nations and corporations the world over will pool their resources, share their collective vision, to leave behind a brighter future" Elliott agreed with this, a better future for the next generations.

Only if he was able to go back and change his past.

"It's not about us, therefore, what I'm saying, if I'm saying anything is welcome back to the stark expo!"

"And now for a special guest appearance from the grate beyond, to tell you what what it's all about, my father, Howard"

Tony walked off stage after that was said and the video of his father played.

When Elliott saw him, his head started to hurt, and voices rang in his ears. "Kill him"

Elliott shook his head getting rid of the horrible thoughts, he walked away and decided to meet up with tony.

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