Chapter 1-nightmares

Start from the beginning

"And this is pepper pots" he pointed to the cherry blonde lady.

"Nice yo meet y'all, but can I please get out of this kennel, it's really uncomfortable" Elliott asked politely.

Tony looked hesitant. "Jarvis, lock all the windows and doors"

"Sure thing sir"

Elliott got startled, he looked around for the source of the voice.

"Oh that's Jarvis, he's an AI that I created" Tony once again said very proudly. 

Elliott nodded. "Cool, can I get out?" He asked again.

"You do anything to put me or pepper in danger? I won't hesitate to put you down" tony threatened.

"Got it" Elliott nodded wanting nothing more then to get out of the small kennel.

Tony stood up and walked up to the kennel, he opened the kennel and Elliott stepped out slowly, once he was out tony closed it again.

"Better?" Tony asked.

"Muck better" Elliott stretched his sore muscles.

"But there's one thing you need to know" Elliott started.

"Okay and that is?" Tony raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not really a— how do you say it a wolf, I'm a human who can shift into one" Elliott explained.

"Hmm sounds interesting, how about you shift back so we can meet you properly?" Tony suggested.

"Okay here it goes" Elliott closed his eyes and started to focus. It only took a few seconds before he was standing in front of them as a human.

Elliott was about 3 inches taller then tony and only an inch taller then pepper.

"Well it's good to meet you Elliott, sorry about how I acted towards you, I hope you can forgive me" pepper said apologetically.

"Oh no hard feelings, from What I assume you deal with Tony's shit most of the time" Elliott joked.

Tony rolled his eyes. "No I deal With her" He walked back to his desk, he didn't seam to be freaked out about Elliott shifting.

"Aren't you confused? I just literally shifted in front of you" Elliott said confused.

"Well I'm not surprised by anything anymore, but I do have to admit that it's really fascinating that you can do this, but not the first time I've seen it" tony explained.

"You've seen something like me before?" Elliott started to follow pepper who was now standing near Tony's desk.

"Yeah, they call him the hulk, he kinda had an incident not to long ago, you two would get along" tony tipped a few things into the computer.

"How old are you Elliott?" Pepper asked, her voice was very gentle and calm, like a mother.

But the question, he doesn't know how old he was, he's probably 25? Or 21, he wasn't put under as long as Bucky was.

Elliott still misses his friend or father figure. Winter got him through a lot during his time with hydra, he hoped he could see him someday.

"Twenty one" Elliott answered.

"Ooo he can drink alcohol! Finally a drinking buddy, Rhodes was never no fun" tony laughed, turning in his chair to face pepper and Elliott.

"What's alcohol?" Elliott asked.

Tony's eyes widened. "You did not just ask what alcohol is! Did he" he looked over to pepper. "He did" she let out a small laugh.

"Is it good?" Elliott asked.

"Oh it's amazing, hold up I'll get you some vodka" tony quietly got up and walked out of the lab.

"Tony no!" Pepper yelled at him but he ignored her and left.

"Sorry about him" she said softly.

"It's okay" Elliott said crossing his arms.

Elliott's face showed nothing but horror, flashbacks hit him, the torture and pain from hydra.

Pepper wanted to ask, her motherly instincts kicked in even though, she doesn't have a son.

But she held back, she doesn't want to step any boundaries as she just met Elliott not even 10 minutes ago.

Tony came back with three shot glasses taking Elliott out of thoughts.

Pepper needed to ask about they later, when Elliott gets more comfortable with them.

"Here you go" tony handed pepper and Elliott a shot glass.

"Why do you trust me so easily? You know I can kill you right?" Elliott was afraid to say this.

"Well You haven't tried have you?" Tony smiled, he doesn't see himself as much of a 'parent' but Elliott seams like a good kid to him.

Elliott also smiled for the first time in a long, he kinda feels safe, but he doesn't believe he is.

Elliott took the shot and immediately started gagging and coughing. "Oh my god that's horrible"

Tony and pepper let out small laughs. "You would make a horrible Russian" tony joked.

"We got a guest bedroom for you to stay in" pepper said nicely.

Elliott stopped coughing and was able to respond. "Thanks guys, I mean it"

A/N: hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! I hope I won't disappoint y'all with this book! And I really want this to do well! As always please vote and comment!

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