chapter 7, I might like you

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     After school I walked to Stan's house. We were having a sleepover tonight. I wasn't going to admit it, but I was looking forward to tonight because I rarely get to go out. My parents tend to use me as a free babysitter. Its not like I care though half the time I don't even want to see these people besides Stan. Stan and I have been becoming best friends. I know i'll never be Stan's best friend but at least pretty close. I don't really mind it though because Kyle and Stan hang out the times I watch Trish, so it's not like I miss anything fantastic.

     Stan opened the door and walked in, greeting his parents who were in the kitchen. I look over to the brunette girl on the couch watching the flat screen tv. Shelly slowly drew her attention to me. "Hey Turd keep it down I don't want to hear you two making out," I glance over at Stan who looked frozen. "Shelly we aren't going to do that!" Stan's face got hot. "come on Craig," he grabbed my wrist and dragged me to his room.

     His room was pretty simple and cozy. He had a shelf full of trophies, a warm bed with soft blankets, a simple white desk with his laptop on it, his dresser by his bed, and he had his dog's bed in the corner. I plop down and melt in to the bed. "i'm kicking you out of your bed," I casually say. The shorter male approached the side of the bed. He had a little cute smile on his face. "Ah you think so?" he cracked his knuckles. "yeah and don't try to kick my ass because we both know I can take you down," I sit up.

     Stan scoffed "oh yeah? you're super skinny and I am on the football team." I roll my eyes "so? I can win simply by just giving you a simple glare." The ravenette tackled me and we started to wrestle around. I kick him off the bed. Looking down, Stan rubbed his head smiling like an idiot up at me. "dumbass," I smile back at him. I watch him slowly get up. "Oh i'm the dumbass here?" he suddenly grabbed my chin. What the hell? I feel my face get hot "what do you mean by that?"

     "Boys! dinner is ready!" I hear a feminine voice call out. Stan let go of my chin "okay mom!" "race ya down," he gently push me back on the bed. "asshole!" I fallow behind him, not really caring who won. I liked when he won honestly. He would get all excited over something so simple. 

     After dinner Stan and I were playing a card game. "my numbers are higher," I mumble. We are currently playing the card game, war, and I won. We had dueled because we had the same card,3, and luckily I had two aces and a king. Stan only had a 10,a queen, and a 6. "wow you suck," he threw the cards at me. I roll my eyes "I am gay so I guess you're right."  Stan threw a pillow at me "not what I meant!" I obviously caught the pillow "yeah but you said it." 

     Stan stared at me for a bit then shook his head "anyways anything else you want to do?" I hum "lets get some sleep." I turn my phone on which it read 10:59 pm. I climb on to his bed before he could "dibs!" The shorter male got up and sat on my stomach "nope my bed!" I shove him off. "hell no I get it this time!" I took my hat off and get comfy. Stan stared at me with a red face. His bottom lip was caught between his teeth. I feel my face getting hot. Whenever he did that I got all tingly. I shiver when he set his lip free, slowly as he stared at me. "uh, Stan?" I say quietly. Stan leaned in close and suddenly pressed his lips against mine. My eyes widened as I let out a muffled surprise sound. I push him off. "i'm sorry!" Stan quickly said. I shook my head "why did you kiss me?" "because, Craig,  I really like you!" He looked so sad. I rolled over "you're not thinking clearly it's late." I heard a soft sigh come from him. "I might like you too," I whisper but he was already asleep when I did.

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