Part 10

790 15 3

(Payton walks close to me, our bodies almost touching, he looks in my eyes but he had to look a little bit down because I'm shorter than him)



P-what if I told that I loved you?

L-I'd tell you I love you back

P-what if I told you that I miss you?

L-I'd tell you I miss you back

P-what if I told you that I need you?

L-I'd come see you

P-what if I told you all my feelings?

L-then I'd tell you mine

P-would you believe me if I told you any of those things?

L-yes I would

P-Luna Barrett, you are such an amazing person, you are beautiful,funny,smart,caring and loving. You're eyes are gorgeous, you're smile is beautiful, you're laugh is adorable, you're hair is amazing, you're personality is perfect, you make me happy. You make me the happiest when I'm with you. You mean the world to me and I haven't even known you for a week and I already love you. Luna Barrett you mean everything to me...I love you❤️

(I look at him and smile so does he, I slowly lean in so does he...BOOM! We kissed passionately, I put my arms around his neck, his arms around my waist. I love this boy)

(Me and Payton pull away from the kiss and smile)



P-well you be my girlfriend??

L-can I tell you all my feelings first so you can kiss me again

(Payton laughs)

P-yes you can

(I smile)

L-Payton Moormeier, you're an amazing boy, you can make the world happy with your smile. You're eyes, I could look at them all day and not get bored. Your smile, I could watch you smile everyday, your face, I already watch it all day*smile* your personality, wow it's amazing, you can make me happy in a second with that laugh of yours or even just you looking at me. You're my world Payton, you mean absolutely everything to me, I love you❤️

(Payton smiles and grabs my waist pulling me in to kiss him again, we kissed passionately for about 4 minutes)

P-well ya be my girlfriend then?

L-yes I will payton


(We both smile and kiss one more time)

P-should we go back now?

L-yeah Nessa is probably worried about me

P-well duh

L-shut up😂

(Me and Payton run back so we could get there on time, we did idk how tho, I give Payton one more kiss goodbye and go to my room, I close the door and lean on it smiling, I take my jacket off and put it on top of my suitcase I see that Nessa fell asleep already, I try not to make a lot of noise butt she still wakes up)

N-*yawns* what time is it?

L-12 am

N-why'd you get home so late??

Our little secret🤫//Payton MoormeierWhere stories live. Discover now