Arista Atlantica

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Name: Arista Atlantica

Nicknames: Ari

Birthday/Age: October 10, 16

Relationship Status: Single

Sexuality: Bisexual

Height: 5'7

Hair: Platinum blonde

Eye Color: Blue

Race: White

Appearance: Pale skin, red lips, wears a lot of eyeliner, her hair is bleach dyed, slender, big eyes, dresses in red and black

Talents and Hobbies: Playing guitar and saxophone and singing in the Catfish Club, listening to music, songwriting

Personality: Energetic, rebellious, edgy, cheerful, optimistic, carefree, loyal, spontaneous, charming, fun-loving

Magic Powers: Used to be a mermaid, is able to change when she wants

Best Friends: Ray-Ray, Cheeks, Ink Spot, Shelbow (members of the Catfish Club), Andrina Atlantica

Roommates: None

Previous Relationships: Dated Vidia Govad in freshman year

Favorite Color: Red

Favorite Animal: Octopus

Favorite Food: Cotton Candy

Other: Arista is one of the second set of Atlantica triplets. Her full sisters are Andrina and Ariel. Arista attends Disney High online, as she is on tour with the Catfish Club band.

Background: Arista is the fifth oldest of all the Atlantica sisters. Andrina was born a mermaid along with her other sisters. However, her father was able to transform them all into humans, giving them the power to turn back and forth whenever necessary. She was sent to Disney High with her sisters, before she went against her father's wishes and auditioned for the Catfish Club band. When she was accepted into the band as the lead singer/guitarist/saxophonist, she agreed to do her schooling while she traveled around the world, on tour with her band.



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