Ch. 19 | Like a Sword | Epilogue

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I think that's what love is:
It is always sharpening itself against your ribs like a sword.
You're prepared to defend your heart with another to fight through hell together.



"You think this is funny Solo?" Ben's head snaps to the right after the mans fist connected with his lower jaw, which Ben was pretty sure is now dislocated.

He turns his head back to his captor. "As a matter of fact I think it's fucking hilarious," Ben says with a smile. Again, Ben's head snaps to the right after the mans fist, once again, connects with the side of Ben's face. This time the impact forces his teeth to dig into his lower lip and bust it open. After blood seeps into his mouth he turns back to the man in front of him and spits it at his feet on the ground.

"You're tied up in a fucking cell without access to your precious laser sword or that weird magic shit you do with 'the Force' or whatever the fuck it's called."

"First of all, it's called a lightsaber. Calling it a laser sword just makes it sound likes a kids toy." That remark earns him a punch to the right side of his jaw.

"You can act as tough as you want but we both know you're scared shitless. You know there's no way you're getting out of this alive." Punch to the cheekbone this time, definitely breaking it or fracturing it.

"Oh no, I'm definitely screwed right now. I'm not scared of you or whatever it is you plan to do to me though. I'm going to have to deal with someone way more terrifying than you."

"Oh really? Who could possibly scare the infamous Ben Solo?" The man sneers and leans in closer to Ben, trying to intimidate him.

"You've obviously never met my wife but you will soon. She's terrifying when she's pissed off and nothing, and I do mean nothing pisses her off more than when someone fucks with me. You, my friend, have about...five minutes, give or take, to let me go. Trust me when I say, I am a lot easier to deal with than she is." Ben smiles wickedly at the man who, for a moment, seems to believe Ben's words.

"You're full of shit Solo. I'm not afraid of the little girl you seem so attached to. If my intel is accurate, she's not-"

Blaster fire echoes from somewhere nearby before the man has a chance to finish his sentence. His eyes widen before darting from the cell door than back to Ben. The smile on Ben's face would have definitely earned him another punch if the man wasn't genuinely starting to regret not believing Ben.

"I'd run if I were-"

The cell door swings open and a rather large man with a terrified expression on his face takes a step into the cell. Not a moment later a magenta glowing blade appears out of the front of his chest. Just as quickly as it appears, it disappears when the lightsaber is removed from his back.

"Well you're fucked now," Ben laughs and leans back in the chair he's bound to.

Ben's captor jumps out of the way as his former colleagues body starts to fall towards him. He grabs his blaster and positions himself behind the chair Ben is chained to, placing the tip of the blaster to his temple. You're standing where the man once stood with your lightsaber still ignited at your side.

Ben sighs. "Really? You're really going to do this?" he says to the man trembling behind him.

Without hesitation, you enter the large cell, lightsaber still ignited, and narrow your eyes at Ben. As expected, the infuriating man was smiling from ear to ear, even with a blaster firmly pushed against the side of his head.

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