Needed You

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I called my assistant Virginia in because i need her to organise all my flights and accomodation for raw next week. Im at home currently.

Virgina Cooper: Nicki's personal assitant

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Virgina Cooper: Nicki's personal assitant. 

I sat in my office waiting for her arrival, she had a key to my house for moments like this. And i knew she wouldnt abuse it. "heyy" "hey come sit down" "oh shit we're in the office, your not firing me are you" "no, just sit down"

 "heyy" "hey come sit down" "oh shit we're in the office, your not firing me are you" "no, just sit down"

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I smiled at her and she sat down. "damn girl your glowing" "haha thanks, i feel good" "why, you ruin someones life" "ahahah no! well i got my first pay" "how much?" "only like $25,000" "damn girl id be happy too" "can you organise all my flights and accommodation" "sure thing, for where?" "standford in 2 weeks, nothing lower than 5 stars, 4.5 the lowest" "okay, considered it done" "good, do you rooms as well i need you at all my events" "okay dress code?" "not to much skin, we will be in the pubic eye nonstop" "okay, oh what about merchandise?" "what do you mean?" "like, chun li tops, gloves and other stuff. You get all profits from this and we should find ways to advertise it" "i like it, what did you have in mind" "well, sometimes you should wear it, and the website or where to buy it will be on the bottom in small print" "yes, so everyone will wanna buy it" "exactly, hoodies and t-shirts" "yes ill have some samples for you to go through tomorrow" "yea, also hows my lingerei line going" "great, first cheque comes in Tuesday" "good good, we need to promote that more" "well after raw, we can do some photo shoots?" "yea okay, organise that for 3 days after i get back. Call Dwight" "yup" i watched her right down all my instructions down onto her note book and then she placed it on her lap and looked back at me. "uh run a background check on Rena and Brock Lesnar" "okay, hey i aint asking" "id prefer you didnt, bring the papers in tomorrow" "yup, i should have the results here by 11" "contact the federal buree" "already done" "ok, also keep tabs on Randy this week. Im not trying to cross paths with him" "i figured that so i already had a timetable of all his appearances and fights" "great do you have it with you" "currently no, i left it at mine but ill bring everything in a pack" "okay, i want you and the designer to organise each of my outfits for clubs, around the stadium, red carpet and locker room" "yes" "thanks thats all then" "okay, bye" "oh can you bring me a tank salad tomorrow and be here at 11.30 sharp i want my bags packed" "yup" "bye" "bye boss". I watched her leave the door and sighed heavily sinking in my seat. I liked talking buisness especially when it was making me money but i find it so exhausting. I glanced at the clock and the time read, 7.56pm. Its early but im totally ready for bed and i have lots to do. I have forms to sign, cheques to pay. My housemaid Roselita is probably annoyed at me for not eating the amazing dinner she made for me but i dont have much of an appetite right now. 

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