Sleep it off

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Smut warning. Feel free to skip chapter

Brock pov
As the night slowly came to an end Nicki was getting drunker and drunker I couldn't help but feel concerned. She should have been a mess but she still managed to stay as beautiful as ever. I looked over at her as she downed her 7th shot she had asked the bartender for. Seth was getting ready to go so I seen this as my cue as well. It was almost 3am and there was no way I was leaving her here.
At the sound of my voice she turned her head.
"Yes beasty"
"We are leaving..."
"But I -"
She nodded her head slowly and let out a sigh. This was new she always seemed so strong headed and barely listens to me. I could get use to this
I helped her out of her seat , I held my hand out and she held onto it leaning on my arm for support. I pushed through the crowd moving her in front of me. She stopped suddenly and her butt pushed into me making me freeze up. I looked down at her flustered "what's up?"
"I-I think I forgot to book my hotel"
I dragged my hand down my face in annoyance and softened my expression when I seen her look at her feet defeated.
"Look it's ok Nicki mine has two rooms"
"Brock no"
"Just keep moving we will sort it out later ok?"
We continued on and headed outside. It was so peaceful in the city at night. The booming noise from the club had soon become a light hum. I had felt a wash of relief come over me when Paul was outside waiting in the truck. Sober driver and assistant what doesn't this guy do. I opened the door for her and she hoped in greeting him.
"And where might I be dropping you off Miss Nicki"
Before she could answered I replied to Paul with "she's staying at the same hotel as me" I could have said she was staying with me but that was a lecture I know hung over me would not have been up for.

We shortly arrived at the hotel. Nicki had fallen asleep across my lap and I gently nudged her not wanting to wake her to urgently. "Nicki...nicki" she slowly opened her eyes and sat up.
"Thank you for this Paul"
"Oh don't worry about it Brock just make sure that one makes it to her room safely"
I nodded in agreement and helped her get out slowly.

Now if I thought drunk Nicki at the clubs was hard to deal with well I had another thing coming. The walk to the room was filled with half dragging her stopping at every window to stare out it . And little comments like "your eyes are blue" & "look brock". After trying to make her walk upstairs I gave up and threw her over my shoulder.

Her laughter filled the air and I couldn't help but smile and shake my head in amusement. We thankfully found the hotel room after all the obstacles and I laid her down on the king size bed that I had intended on sleeping on and pulled my shirt off . As I was getting ready to head to the other room I stopped in my tracks when she pulled on my hand. I looked down at her laying in the bed "what"
"Sleep with me please"
"Nicki I don't think that's a good idea"
"Please beasty" she looked up at me making my insides crunch up and battered her eyelashes at me.
How was I supposed to say no to that?
I climbed into bed next to her and switched of the light. I was about to dose off when I heard a zipping sound then something hit the floor. She had taken her dress off and threw it across the room. She then started sighing. I switched the light back on and turnt over to her my eyes widened at the site of her.

"My makeups gonna ruin the pillows" "Why did you take your clothes off""Because I don't like sleeping in them"I rolled over again and this time she wined dragging a sigh out of me

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"My makeups gonna ruin the pillows"
"Why did you take your clothes off"
"Because I don't like sleeping in them"
I rolled over again and this time she wined dragging a sigh out of me.
"My make up" I rolled my eyes when she gave me that same puppy look. It's like she knew it had a grip on me and still used it against me anyway.
I reached over to her purse and rummaged through it looking for something I came across some water looking shit in a bottle and grabbed the tissues of the night stand. I tipped some on the tissues and gently wiped away her make up . She must know what's she doing to me laying there like that while I'm so close leaning over her I threw the tissues on the floor and she smiled at me .
"Thankyou beasty"
"No problem princess"
I was about to roll over and she whined my name again. This time I was actually annoyed and I snapped my neck at her.
Nicki pov
As soon as he turned i pulled him into a hard kiss running my hand up his bare chest . He must have wanted it because he didn't stop me. I may have been drunk but I knew exactly what I was doing & what I wanted. I wanted the beast.
I let my hand trail lower and lower I played with the waist band if his boxes and he let out a deep groan.
I giggled into his mouth and let his tongue explore mine. He then effortlessly rolled me on top of him . And let his hands trail down my back, he gripped my butt hardly and I stopped to look at him . His blue eyes burned into mine and I smirked at him. He pulled my underwear to the side . I couldn't help but let out a loud gasp as he slipped it in still keeping eye contact. He rocked me back and forth, thrusting harder each time. I threw my head back and let my moans escape filling the room.
"Fuck nicki"
I bounced up and down fast taking control. Watching him close his eyes hard and breath heavily.  I knew I was close to finishing but I didn't want to stop. Each thrust felt as if he was getting deeper and deeper. The long hardness i felt inside of me was touching my tummy. I began to grind on it, making sure I covered every inch  and he let out another groan. This time it was much louder so I knew he liked it .

I felt myself climax and let out a loud sigh. I went to stop but he grabbed into my hips and this time rocked me back and forth harder and faster. He finished and let out a grunt. He gently rolled me off and we both just layer there looking at the ceiling. There was no noise except for the sound of light panting. But it was peaceful I don't remember the last time I felt like this. And I don't want too. I just don't know how anything will be the same after this...

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