chapter ten

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"tiana? where are you?" Ale asked through the phone.

"I'm with," she paused thinking of their names.

"Synese, kadence and Alex, alli, Carlos, and Diego." She said looking at the group and laughing because they were making a tik tok.

"where are you guys." Ale asked, there was an edge to his voice and tiana winced at how different he sounded, he sounded mad.

"at the mall, you guys should come." Ale went quiet,

"Alejandro? Are you guys gonna come?" Tiana asked,

"uh no, we're busy." Alejandro said quickily.

"well okay, I got to go." Tiana said,

"bye." He said,

"bye." Tiana hung up and looked at her phone, then started walking over to the group.

Carlos and kadence came back with the food.

"Who was that." Kadence asked popping a fry in her mouth.

"oh that was just alejandro." tiana said.

"Alejandro?" Alex asked,

"yeah." Tiana said,

"where were they?" Synese asked.

"he didn't say, he just wanted to know where we were." Tiana said.

"Alejandro Rosario?" Alex asked.

Kadence's phone went off and she looked down at it.

where r u guys????

kadence: at the mall

kairi: with who???

kadence: some friends we met after school, carlos, alex, diego, and alli

seen 15s ago

"yeah kai texted me too." Kadence said.

"do you guys fuck around with them?" Diego asked,

"yeah they do." Mar said.

Tiana, synese and Kadence gave him a dirty look.

"You know they all have girlfriends right?" Alex said to all of them.

"they have girlfriends?" kadence asked, Carlos nodded.

"Yeah they have girlfriends." Tiana looked at Alex,

"but they-" alli cut them off.

"Since when did-" alli got cut off by Diego.

"When didn't you know about them?" He asked, Alli got this weird look on her face and she didn't say anything. Tiana, Synese and Kadence didn't know how to feel. Especially with what they did with them too, trusting them and being their friends. Tiana actually thought her and Ale were going to go somewhere. She liked the way he made her feel, physically, mentally and emotionally. How could they have girlfriends and not tell them.

"Kadence, how far away is your house?" Synese asked,

"Um, maybe 20 minutes away." Kadence said back.

"I'm leaving." Synese said, Diego stood up right away.

"Do you want a ride?" He asked, Synese shrugged.

"Sure I guess. Are you guys coming?" synese asked,

"Diego just take the jeep." Carlos said quickily.

"Okay pass me the keys then." Diego said, Carlos took the keys out of his pocket and tossed them at Diego.

"Let's go." Diego said to them. The girls followed Diego out to the car.

"Mattia Polibio huh?" Diego asked Synese,

"Is that your type?" He asked with a smirk.

"I don't want to talk about it." Synese mumbled looking out the window.

"Did he try and fuck around with you?" Diego asked,

"He's a real player to his girlfriend, he cheats on her a lot." Diego said looking straight,

"Can you just drive?" Tiana asked, he snapped out of it and put the keys in the ignition and started to back up.

"What did you guys do anyway with them?" Diego asked, Tiana rolled her eyes,

"She said she don't want to talk about it." Kadence snapped at him.

"Holy fuck calm down." Diego said quickly.

"Let me out." Kadence said, Diego kept his eyes on the road.

"I said let me out." Kadence said again.

"I'm taking you guys home." he said.keeping his eyes on the road. Tiana rolled her eyes and Diego asked for directions on where Kadence's house was and he parked on the side of the road.

"Who's here?" Kadence asked. Tiana noticed it was Mattias jeep and Diego picked up his phone and called Carlos.

"Hey theres a few scums here, i'll send you the address." Then he hung up.

"What the fuck-" Synese said but Diego cut her off.

"Quiet babe, i'll show you how these guys are." He said as he got out the jeep.

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