chapter two

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She walked into the classroom with a knot in her stomach, the whole class stared at Kadence as she came in, she stood by the door awkwardly.

"hello, may I help u?" The teacher said, Kadence tried not to look at the class.

"uh, hi im new here actually" Kadence replied, she felt like she was going to puke and her knees were going to give out.

"well welcome to science, I'm Mrs. White, may you introduce yourself to the class?" the teacher asked. Kadence sighed and played with her hands, they started getting sweaty.

"uhh my names kadence, i just moved here" Kadence said looking at the teacher signalling she's done talking, she looked around the classroom and spotted the same guy that followed her into the bathroom, they locked eye contact. He smirked at her as she stood there frozen.

"so kadence you can sit by kairi, kairi put your hand up." Kadence snapped outta her eye contact.

"it's me" the boy replied, kadence walked over and sat in the seat next to the boy that followed her into the bathroom, she looked over to find Synese and Tiana, they were sitting all away across the room laughing to themselves and waving at kadence.

"jesus" Kadence whispered to herself knowing that the seat she had to sit in was permanent.

"told you we'd meet again." the boy known as kairi whispered to her smiling, kadence looked at him and smiled in response>

"your names kairi right?" kadence said.

"yup that's me" he said.

"i don't think we got a proper introduction" kairi said.

"Kadence" she responded.

"kairi, hey wanna get lunch with me and my friends after 2nd" he asked, she knew that it was also Synese and Tiana. first day but she couldn't let down her wasian, so she excepted his offer, time skipped and 2nd period was over.

Tiana and Synese walked up to kadence.

"GUYS" Kadence basically screamed.

"WHAT" They responded without looking up from their phones,

"you guys MISSED so much" kadence said,

"like?" tiana replied looking up from her phone, they talked about what happened to kadence about the kairi thing, when all of a sudden a group of guys came up to them, kairi was leading.

"Hey" kairi said

"hi" Kadence responded.

"what the fuck." Synese whispered to tiana, tiana just nodded staring wide eyed.

"your still coming to lunch with us right?" kairi asked,

"your friends can come too if you'd like" one of kairis friends said, the boy was naturally dark, purta rican. he had deep dimples in both of his cheeks and his hair was kinda messy. he was starring at tiana the whole time.

"Yeah sure" Kadence responded, kairi smiled and they started walking to the cafeteria. they all sat down at a table, kairi sat beside kadence, and Alejandro sat beside tiana, Synese sat bye Alejandro and Tiana and the rest of the boys were on the other side.

Kadence was on her phone when she got a text from her ex.


hayden: I miss you

Kadence laughed to herself, and kairi read the message.

he gripped his hand on Kadence's thigh, kadence's eyes went huge and she just sat there, then her breathing started to get heavier each minute, kairi kept moving his hand higher and higher.

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