

Rain drops were dribbling down the tinted windows of the cafe, giving even more cozier feeling than before. It was one of those quieter afternoons in this sleepy town somewhere near of the ocean, because of the rain not many customers were in the shop but still, some just couldn't stay home, they needed a fresh cup of coffee and a slice of cake to go with it.

Only two workers were present in the cafe, whom were actually childhood friends of many years. Sehyoon is a passionate dancer, who also has a part time job in this cafe his older cousin owns. Because of this his cousin had hired him and a childhood friend Donghun as the only workers of the small seaside cafe, the owner trusted these two a lot. 

Donghun loved his job in this cozy cafe, but he also had a passion for singing. Beside this job, he also gave vocal training for young kids and teens in their nearest music school on the weekends. Donghun's mother taught piano lessons in that school and even the school principal had noticed his good vocal skills, which gained him a job at the school when he grew older.

Actually...in that school he had met his ex-boyfriend. Yes, an ex-boyfriend. Donghun really didn't care about the gender really, so he had no problems of dating a guy, really the personality of the person matters the most for him. He wasn't sure why he and his ex broke up, they were doing well but...

He can't deny that they had some fights, some small and bigger ones. His ex wasn't from the same town so after they had broken up, he just left and Donghun hasn't heard of him after that. Sometimes he really started to consider what if...but it was him who left, so Donghun was sure that that was it for them, no coming back together for sure.

"Thank you and have a nice day!" Sehyoon's voice made Donghun to woke up from his daydream and focus back to work he was doing, aka cleaning the tables. The cafe was now empty from customers, so the two friends decided to have a snack break by themselves and close the cafe for just a little bit so they could enjoy the snacks in peace.

"The rain isn't stopping any time soon it feels like..." Donghun mumbled while munching his tomato mozzarella sandwich while looking the main window of the cafe. Sehyoon had become surprisingly quiet, reading something from his phone, hands shaking a bit. Of course his friend noticed it and asked was everything okay.

"Hunnie I....got accepted." Sehyoon's voice were trembling in excitiment.

Donghun wasn't able to process what his friend tried to say to him.

"Accepted to were?" Sehyoon just started smiling even more.

"I got accepted to the dance program as a teacher...In Seoul."

Donghun looked at his friend, quickly getting up and hugging his friend when both fell down to the floor, hugging each other. Sehyoon started giggling when he noticed how his friend reacted, gently patting his back. 

He knew Donghun would get emotional about it. He always has been quite emotional kid, but somehow he always gets over things rather quickly, like even when his ex ended their relationship, somehow this crybaby got over it surprisingly quickly than expected. Sehyoon still knew that it's not fun to leave his dear friend behind, leaving him alone, since the two didn't have a big friend group. Most of their friends have moved away to bigger cities, but at least one was living quite close so Sehyoon didn't worry that much.

"You can always come with me Hunnie...we can figure things out somehow...Also, the job starts only next year so there's plenty of time still." he comforted his best friend and they got up, Donghun still clinging onto his best buddy.

Donghun didn't say anything, just continued to hug his dear best friend. What he can do without him? Sehyoon gently patted his back and they slowly separated from each other. The latter smiled.



Donghun started grinning, his mood changed.

"Congrats you dummy."


After dinner Chan and I started to dig around and try to find some kind of news or something about him, we hoped that there would be something recent on the news. But it felt like this person named Kang Yuchan didn't even exist.

"How on Earth I can't find anything??" I asked while Chan peeked the laptop screen behind my shoulder. 

"See I told you there's not much about me, I wasn't that interesting in the first place." he joked but I made him to take things seriously right now so he shut his mouth rather quickly.

"I'm just going to see has anyone added you to the missing list." I said and found a site where the police will add public records of missing people. I typed Chan's name and...


"There it is Chan..." I whispered and we both were looking at the info card from the screen:

Missing: Kang Yuchan, date of birth 97.12.31, missing since ....

Chan stared the screen, shivering. I looked up the date too, something was so off...

"Reported missing only three days ago!?

If in his own words he died at least two months ago, why he was only been reported now? Something was clearly off and we seriously need to figure this out by ourselves and get Chan to rest in Heaven...


What if his ex doesn't believe me?

Or thinks that I'm crazy?

I shook my head, I can't think this right now.

Finding Chan is the thing we should focus on right now. But at the same time I wonder, 

Why I'm even doing this right now? I'm doing this...for Chan. The connection between us is something else than I've had before with anyone else. I'm 100% sure of that. We will figure this out...



Finally updating some of my stories oops :") leave a like, comment or anything! I love seeing your guys reactions ^^ See ya!

𝕘𝕙𝕠𝕤𝕥 𝕤𝕖𝕖𝕜𝕖𝕣  [A.C.E - dongjun]Where stories live. Discover now