🔮 3.

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(No proof read)


After the rather terrifying incident at school, my teacher from church had convinced my  uni teachers that I don't need any medical attention from hospital, but insisted that they would let me to go home and rest. All of the classes from the day were cancelled so I left as quickly as I could from the campus. I knew my classmates would be worried of me, but I just needed to go home.

I squeezed my phone tightly, biting my lips, trying to act as calm as possible. A long and heavy sigh left my mouth as I closed my eyes while travelling on the metro. The news of the incident were already being shared my radio and news stations, but for my luck I wasn't seen nor mentioned at all. Makes my life easier.

On my way home I bought some fast food to treat this tired feeling away and finally I arrived back home, opening my apartments door. I wasn't expecting to have any other surprises for the day. 

But I was so wrong.


" I want to teach you." the old man looked the young boy in front of him, sitting other side of the table.  He could clearly see that this young man was a bit nervous.

"Teach me about what?" he asked, looking at him, being confused but nervous. The old man leaned closer.

"You have a God's gift. You can see the evil. Do you understand how powerful gift that is? " he asked, watching youngers shifting eyes, this poor young man had no idea how all of this can possibly turn his life upside down.

"I just want to teach you Park Junhee. I know you have this insane power which can cause harm or help. I would rather help people than cause trouble right?" Junhee slowly nodded and the elder continued:

"That's why I would like to give you basic training. I've got mine from the Vatican, so I'm qualified to do these things. I know this might go against the rules but for our own safety I would truly teach you basics of exorcism and give you my knowledge. This sounds crazy right? But you can trust me Junhee. This would be for your own safety."

Junhee bit his lip, should he accept the offer? He thought of his grandma, she told him to do the thing which felt right. He took a deep breath and looked the old man.

"I'm not sure...but can we meet again later? I will give my answer then."

Priest Choi smiled. At least the boy would consider the offer.

"I call you next week, then we can discuss more." he replied.


"Who are you?"

In front of my apartment window I saw a young man, closer to my age, maybe younger, looking at me, a smile formed when he saw me. Suddenly he started to slide in the air, coming closer to me, smiling, now so close that I could feel his ghostly energy.

"You can see me right!?" he asked with a cheerful voice. Who the hell is this cheerful kid?

"Uhh of course I can see you!" I exclaimed, moving away so I could start eating, I was starving. The young ghost followed me, whining: "I'm hungry too!"

I sighed, looked at him from head to toe. He looked young, brown hair,bright eyes, adorable smile. Why did you die so young? The other noticed my worried eyes and we quietly sat down, I was ready to eat. We spoke nothing while I ate. I knew he was hungry, but...ghosts can't eat human food anymore, unless they have this magical powder from Heaven. Apparently it's really expensive and if you use it while wondering on planet Earth, you start to feel hunger like regular people do. If you don't use it, you don't feel hunger at all. I glanced at the young ghost boy, finally speaking more:

"Have you... tried milteliai before?" I asked. He looked surprised when I asked him about it. "How do you know that?" he was curious, looking back at me with those stunning dark brown eyes. I chuckled. "I have a ghost friend who hangs a lot here, he told me about it. An for your information, he isn't here, he is travelling to see his family." I said and stuffed rest of my food into my mouth.

(A/N: The world "Milteliai" means powder according to my google findings and it's Lithuanian (I hope it is). Shout out to my almost neighbors in the Baltics! Estonia is closer haha.

"I..have a little bit..." he said quietly. He clearly has been hungry, it's hard for them to buy food as ghosts, they need to rely on other people to get some. "I make you some ramen okay?" I first time touched his hair, he startled a bit but relaxed almost immediately.  We had only met like almost hour ago, but already felt closer to each other. After getting ramen which even he was able to eat, he felt so happy.

"So...you can see fellows like me?" the ghost boy, Yuchan aka Chan for short asked. I nodded. "Have seen ever since I was a child really." I said back. He smiled. "Then it's a good thing that I met you! It's hard when humans don't see me." I silently looked his face features, he was really handsome. But...

"Can I..." I opened my mouth but stopped when he nodded. "I can tell you how I died hyung."


I was now working on my school work, trying to be as quiet as I could, because Chan had fallen asleep, after telling his story to me, he started to feel unwell so he was now resting. Leon had actually told me that before, for some ghosts, they can start feel ill after they share their life story. I had hard time to focus because the story just kept bringing it up in my mind.

Poor boy...his death was an accident. He never wanted to die this young. He died alone, in the dark night, accidentally falling down to a drain, hit his head and died after few hours. A slow and painful way to go....the worst part is that no one knows he is dead. Literally no one knows that. Apparently he hasn't been even reported as missing person. His family in Jeju are thinking everything is alright, since their son is living so faraway. His friends are thinking he ran away. All of this happened only couple of months ago and he has no clue is his body still in there or not...

I asked him why he wasn't in Heaven yet. He said there were things he needed to do before leaving. First to tell his parents and friends. There were also a person he wanted to find, not a family member but... an ex-boyfriend.

"I feel like he needs to know that I passed away...we....were happy...but...I just felt like I don't love him anymore and...I hurt him..." Chan had started suddenly to sob, I had to calm him down while we talked. He a bit later passed out, I put him back to my bed and myself started to work on with school work. 

Both situations were messing my mind, I can't focus at all. After thinking, I sent an email to my uni asking couple of free days and for my luck they accepted. I put my laptop away and decided to take a nap, just rest a little bit for now.

Hopefully things will figure out somehow...


YALL DID YOU GUYS MISS ME'???? here's an kinda odd update but hopefully you like it! See ya in the future!

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