I have mommy issues

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Hehe ive been tagged by yeehaaaaw

Thank you for that :)

1 probably the characters that talk the most, I have trouble with how much they talk to be honest

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1 probably the characters that talk the most, I have trouble with how much they talk to be honest

2 uhh flashbacks, I just sucks at them in my opinion

3 favorite: modern, fantasy least favorite: coffee shop (most of what I've read were bad so if you have recommendations of actual good ones please do send)

4 oneshots, I can continue with like part 2 or 3 I'd I really want to

5 write it on the fly, I mean I make some things like just general thing they over come by otherwise I just make it up as I go

6 pairings, it helps because I know how they act and how they'd react in situations

7 jajsiaknd
I can't think of any others aha

8 EhMehBois KageKoneko KanaNeverSleeps paperspades yeehaaaaw aha I have more I just won't tag them though

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2020 ⏰

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