Chapter Sixteen

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In the days that went by Sweeney was true to his word, every evening he dined with Toby and Eleanore and sometimes he sat and he listened to her read after helping out during the dinner time rush. He had also been attracting a lot of men to his shop lately and Eleanore was rather surprised to see a great many walk back out. It seemed Sweeney was rarely killing now, or if he was he was doing so outside his establishment.

Eleanore was grateful for the change, but it still was not enough to cheer her up. She spent most of the days trying to smile and go on as normal when inside she was breaking. Having Sweeney Todd so close to her would have been a dream, but she could still not have him despite the closeness and it was slowly killing her. She was aware that her mood change was likely obvious to Sweeney, but she didn't care. She doubted it would bother him much, they were just friends now and nothing more...

The day before the trial, Eleanore had informed her customers the shop would be closed and she and Toby decided to have a lie-in after such a busy shift. When she awoke the morning of the trial, Toby was still fast asleep and so she sat up against the headboard, stared at the wall and contemplated today's events and how they would unfold.

She had been anxious about this day for so long, and now it was finally here. What if Turpin didn't sentence this man and let him go free? Would he come back for her? Would he attempt to hurt Arthur again?

Standing from the bed she gave her hair a quick brush and pulled on her robe before slipping out of the bedroom. Walking through the parlour into her shop she froze.

"Oh," Sweeney was startled when he saw her, he was standing by the counter and appeared to be frying some eggs. He offered her a small smile "Morning. I thought I'd make breakfast today."

Eleanore blinked, feeling like she'd just woken up in an alternate universe. "Y-you made breakfast?"

He nodded sheepishly "Why don't you sit down and we can eat together?"

Eleanore stood still, dumbfounded for a moment before her legs finally began to move and she lowered herself into one of the booths. Sweeney deposited the eggs onto a plate with some ham and black pudding. He brought the plates over to the table then walked back to get a pot of tea for the two of them which he poured for her.

"Do you...'ave time for all this?" She asked incredulously.

"It's just breakfast." He responded lightly, pouring his own tea and sitting across from her. "I thought we could chat before you go to the courthouse and I have to open my shop."

Eleanore nodded mutely "Well, that's very kind o'ya."

Sweeney kept his eyes on her as she began to eat. He'd noted lately that she had lost that spark in her eyes when she usually talked to him. He didn't need to ask why. She was a strong woman and she was dignified, but he was not a fool, he knew when a woman was hurting.

"Nice ta 'ave someone else cook for a change." She said offhandedly before biting into a piece of toast. "Been awful busy."

"Yes." He said, "I know you've been melancholy lately too."

Eleanore stopped eating to look at him coldly then look away and continue eating "Jus' anxious about the trial that's all..."

Sweeney stayed quiet, though he suspected she was telling the truth, he didn't buy it for one moment that the trial was the cause of her sadness. He only had himself to blame really. He'd slept with her then discarded her like a broken, unwanted toy. No wonder she was still hurting...

"Well," He began awkwardly after a moment, "I'm sure there's nothing to worry about. The Judge will make sure the crook will pay what he's due."

"Turpin is the Judge, Sweeney." She told him.

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