Chapter Ten

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When Sunday finally arrived, Eleanore put on one of the best dresses she owned and after styling her hair with the cream the Syke Sisters had given her, managed to put it up in a significantly less frizzy but still messy updo. She had put a little blush on her cheeks and some lipstick in an attempt to look less corpse-like and had decided against the new pretty green dress Amelia had given her because it was a little too fancy for a simple dinner. Whenever she went out to a dance however she would definitely be wearing it.

She stood by her parlour mirror, touching up the last of her hair and tucking some loose curls behind her ears. With a smile at her reflection, she picked up her one and only shawl and left the parlour. She gasped when she bumped into Sweeney, "Bloody 'ell. Could ya give us a warnin' next time ye pop out of thin air?"

"You goin' somewhere Mrs Lovett?" He asked, his eyes sweeping over her dress-clad body. When his eyes reached her chest he quickly looked away.

"I 'ave a meal with the Sykes tonight love." She said distractedly whilst putting on her boots "Made ye some dinner and put it in the oven for ya - might be back late tonight."

Sweeney let out a grunt of thanks and went for the little oven behind her counter. Since he had practically put her to bed a few nights ago, the two rarely spoke unless she came up to bring him his meals. Luckily she didn't seem to remember a word of the drunken exchange - thank god - and life carried on normally. But nothing had changed for the demon barber.

Eleanore watched him curiously "I don't suppose ye would like to accompany me? Might be nice meetin' some new folks..."

"No." She heard him mumble behind the counter. She rolled her eyes. Surprise surprise...

"Alrigh' then." She grumbled, putting on her last boot.

Sweeney turned to face her with a plate of cottage pie in one hand and a fork in the other as he observed her brush her dress down.

"How do I look?"

Sweeney shoved a fork of cottage pie in his mouth and chewed when at last he answered; "Fine."

Eleanore tutted and sighed "Ya know, a compliment every so often wouldn't 'urt Mista T."

"Compliment?" He said with a snort, trying to enjoy his meal.

"Yes." She said. "A compliment. Ya know, the opposite ta an insult...a bit of praise-"

"I know what a compliment is!" He snapped, his mouth full of food.

Eleanore bit her lip, finding it a little amusing that he was talking to her with his mouth full. He was quite funny looking when he was grumpy, though she would never tell him that.

"Well then..." She pushed, her tone teasing him further "If ya so sure, why not give me one then, hm? Too difficult ta be a gent eh?"

Sweeney glowered at her over his fork, her bloody smirk and mischievous eyes were grating on his nerves. She didn't appear to be going anywhere until he complied so with a growl he decided on; "You look pretty."

As soon as the words had left his mouth he wanted to kick himself. Why that? Why bloody that?

Just as he suspected, Eleanore beamed and thanked him. Luckily she had a carriage waiting outside for her so she said her goodbyes and left with a smile on her face before he could make an even bigger fool of himself.

Sweeney, watched her go with a grumble.


"Oh my god." Eleanor breathed as she reached the home of the Sykes. The carriage had stopped at a beautiful manor home with iron gates at the front and two stone pillars with lion heads peered down at her from either side. The home reminded her very much of Judge Turpin's grand house, but this place was far more welcoming. The Manor was a crisp off-white colour and honeysuckle crawled its way up the side of the home like vinery. Just outside the house was a lush patch of grass with a small fountain in the centre.

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