sleep over shenanigans

Start from the beginning

"Applejack! Rarity! Applejack! Rarity!"

Moonbeam sighed, she was tried and did not want to get into what ever was up with the farm girl and fashion girl.

She got up and went up the stairs to her bed.

She went and sat out on the balcony letting the rain sooth her. Moonbeam heard twilight yell for the girls to come in and heard applejack ask "Whoa, nelly. Is inside a tree really the best place to be in a lightning storm?"

Fair question but did applejack really think they would live in a tree if it wasn't safe during all weathers.

Rolled her eyes and played the the magical lightning rod she and twilight had fixed upon arrival.

"Hah! We are most grateful for your invitation." She heard Rarity say.

"Thank ya kindly for yer hospitality." Applejack stated.

Moonbeam rolled her eyes. Thind clapped and lightning stick right in front of her makeing her go temporarily blind and her ears ring. She hadn't noticed but she had jumped and yellped loud enough to get twilights attention.

"..... You and Applejack should totally sleep over! We'll have a slumber party! I've always wanted one of those. MOONBEAM COME DOWN"

The white pony tumbled into the tree and struggled blindly down the stairs.

"What did you day twi?" She mumbled rubbing here ears and squinting her eyes.

"Were having a slumber party! Isn't it great!"

Moonbeam tried to stare at twilight and flicked her ears.

"Oh! Uh, goodness. Uh, I do believe I have another engagement scheduled for this evening that completely slipped my mind until just now. [nervous laugh] Ah, silly me, I can't possibly stay here all night -- with Applejack"

"Er did you say slumber party twilight, me ears are still ringing" moonbeam mumbled she blinked a few time and saw her sister digging through the shelves.

She sighed and walked over to a shelf two shelves over amd pulled a book out and handed it to rarity. "Slumber 101: All You've Ever Wanted to Know About Slumber Parties But Were Afraid to Ask."

Twilight twirled around and looked at moonbeam. "Were was that?"

"Under books of instructions, were spike left it"

"I really need to sort this library out" twilight grumbled.

Moonbeam turned to rarity with a serious expression, almost taking the same stance as shinning armours drill Sargent.

"So it's my sbff's first slumber party its your job to follow the rules in that book-"

"My own personal copy. It's a fantastic reference guide. You should see the table of contents. I've been waiting for a chance to use it, and today is the day! This is gonna be so great!" Twilight said excitedly taking the book from rarity and flicking through it.

Moonbeam smiled at her sisters excitement. It showed her just how far her sister had come since she left canterlot.

"Yes, uh, great." Rarity laughed nevously at the sisters delicate happiness.

"So.. what first!?"

Rarity looked through the book and found her strong suite. She smiled, and added bonus applejack would hate it.

"How about make overs!"

The twins nodded in delight and both shot off in different directions, moonbeam upstairs for the hair curlers and twilight to the kitchen to make the mask.

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