Lefty X Bryan

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(The request was smut, but I'll do that later. Not this early)

No ones POV

Bryan was walking around the park on a hot day. While Lefty was just sitting in his laugh house not doing anything really, but having a staring contest with Molten. Even if they are animatronics. Bryan ran into the laugh house and grabbed Lefty by the arm. "Lefty, follow me! This is an emergency only you can handle. Unless Jon or Molten wants to do it" Bryan said while tugging on Lefty's arm. "Piss off Bryan." Molten tried to shoo Bryan away, but Lefty stopped him. Lefty's face having a hint of red on it, besides the red that was build on him "Leave him alone Molten, anyway, what's up Bry?" Lefty followed Bryan as he was running out of the laugh house. "Promise you won't laugh at me?"
"I promise"
"There's a huge spider in my office..."
Lefty paused when Bryan said that sentence. He covered his mouth to muffle his laugh.
"B-Bud- you're afraid of spiders?"
"I hear that laughter in your voice- you said you wouldn't laugh!" Bryan punched lefty softly multiple times on the arm.
"I'm sorry! It's just an adorable fear to have- I mean what-"
Lefty's face flushed red, so did Bryans.
"Again, it's in the office, on my computer"

Magical Time Skip

Bryan's POV

I can't believe Lefty said my fear was adorable, am I starting to like him? Nonono I can't like him, but I do... I'm confused!!!
I walked along the park once again, looking down still thinking of what Lefty said. And coincidentally I ran into him. He turned around and helped me up since I fell to to floor.
"I'm so sorry Lefty!"
"It's fine Bryan, just look where you're walking next time alright?"
"Yeah okay whatever my guy- but anyway... about earlier today... why did you say my fear was adorable?"
"I- well- it's because you're adorable Bryan!"
"I am?"

Leftys POV

Holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit, did i really just say that? I'm gonna regret everything! What do I do?
I closed my eyes tightly, and then I felt a sudden pull on my tie and a warm touch... but it was on my face... and when I opened my eyes, I saw Bryan! He...was kissing me. At that moment I would have passed out or something! Bryan pulled away soon after it started, I wish he never did though. He smiled at me. And his chocolate brown eyes seemed to glow more than usual... I would fall into the deepest pit of hell just to feel that love he gave me again. Maybe even more!
"Lefty, hello?"
"Huh? Oh- sorry I dosed off"
"Haha, I love you"
Holy crap!
I grabbed the sides of his jacket and pulled him in for another kiss...

Word count: 483

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