*shrug* Fuck I don't have a title-

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Alright so apparently, I started sleep-talking last night, which is something I don't usually do.

I think it's only happened once or twice, so sleep-talking isn't something that I usually do.

According to my dad, it was just incoherent mumbling, which I am so fucking thankful for.

If what I said had anything to do with my dream, then I am really fucking thankful my dad didn't hear what I said.

4-3/8-1 _ 9-1/2-1/7-4 _ 2-1 _ 7-4/3-2/9-2 _ 3-1/7-3/3-2/2-1/6-1

I went swimming today, which was fun I guess. I bruised my wrist really badly though. That sucks.

Idk how, but I ended up getting really light-headed, dizzy, and nauseous. I went back to the car and just kinda slept there while my brothers spent another hour swimming.

What also sucked about swimming is that the swimsuit made me really dysphoric so ugh- f u c k (my mom doesn't know I'm genderfluid..)

Also istg I got told last night I had a beautiful singing voice because I forgot to fucking mute the person I was calling when I started singing and like- tetiyrykeetooyddyhdigNOIDONT-

All I sung was a rough cover of "everything stays" I didn't try to sing it that well like wtf aru4uwureetifyufeylie5ue4ie5

Ok I'm done freaking out

I spent most of my day binge-watching South Park and I think Kenny needs an amazing big brother award.

Can somebody please give him that award?


He deserves it.

You know at first I wasn't gonna update, cuz I didn't think anybody would care, but then I saw this actually had views, so-

Btw the Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappuccino from Starbucks is fucking amazing and you need to try it.

Also, the guy that gave me and my dad the drinks (I think his name is Aron) had a rainbow heart sticker on him and just-

R e s p e c t

Oh btw, fun fact: My dad is either aro-ace or aro and demi and that's cool.

My dad is really supportive. When I came out to him (originally as bi, then lesbian, and now pan but he doesn't know I'm pan he thinks I only like girls), he honestly didn't care, he was chill was it. mY mOm Is A dIfFeReNt StOrY tHo HaHa-. I also came out to him as genderfluid, and he was chill with that too. Hell, he even asked if I wanted to get a haircut and like- it was awesome. Still haven't gotten the haircut tho. Im low-key kinda scared to.

Btw, at the end of the, I'll put what my pronouns are for that day, just so you know.

I could keep rambling on and on, but I don't wanna bore whoever is reading this.

Hope you have a good day!
- Sam (he/him) 💛🌹🎧

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