About Me (?)

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Aight so here's some basic info:

Name: Just call me Sam

Age:  420 Years Old

Gender: Genderfluid (she/he/they)

Sexuality: Pansexual

Time Zone: CST

Relationship Status: sInGlE & hEaRtbRoKeN (once again) hAhA-

Languages I Know: English & Memes

Languages I'm (trying) to Learn: German & Dutch

My B-Day: Feb. 1 (♒)

Personality Type: INFP


Ok cool now some random ass facts:

· I have partial heterochromia. (Heterochromia is a genetic condition that causes somebody to have multi-colored eyes.) Both of my eyes are blue, but my right eye is 1/3 brown.

· I go in and out of fandoms very frequently. As of today, I am in the SCP and South Park fandom (and possibly about to go back into BNHA)

· My parents are divorced. Usually I live with my dad majority of the time, and go to my mom's house on the weekends, but during the Summer, I stay with my mom (which sUCKS-) and visit my dad on the weekends.

· I plan on becoming a CSI (Crime Scene Investigator), and even if that doesn't work out, I wanna work in law enforcement.

· If you're racist, homophobic, or transphobic, I'm boutta beat the shit outta you, get your sorry ass back over here-

· I have two dogs and one cat (I used to have four, one of which was my fucking therapy cat, but my mom is a bITCH-). One of my dogs is an Husky-Malamute mix (his name is Copper), and the other is... Y'know she looks more rodent than dog. She's a mutt. We call her anxiety rat (her actual name is Jasmine). Finally, my 11 year cat with trust issues and is constantly grumpy (her name is Tabby).

· My three favorite bands are McCafferty (yes I know Nick is an asshole but the songs fuckin hit bro-), Cavetown, & Days 'N' Daze

If you have any questions, go ahead and ask. I'll answer even the most stupidest, suspiciously specific, and personal of questions.

Have a good day
- Sam 💀🎧

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