The Chase 2/2

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The wolves stared at Zoe and then at each other. Before she could process what was happening the one with green eyes took a step forward and was tackled by the other.


Zoe's P.O.V

Why did I ever not want my life to be normal? I knew Jeremy was a werewolf but I don't know he was an alpha! Now I know Alex is a werewolf too, an alpha! Being normal totally being in this situation.


"Hey!" She suddenly shouted, anger pushing her panic and fear aside, "anyone care to tell me what else I don't know about you two?" She ranted. The wolves suddenly stopped fighting and looked at her shocked. "Stop fighting and start explaining," she commanded before realizing they couldn't speak in their wolf forms.

"Nevermind, she grumbled more to herself that the wolves. Hearing the low growls she snapped, " cut it out, if anyone should be growling it here it should be me!" She turned and walked away receiving a growl from the on with brown eyes, Jeremy. " I'm going home," she responded not looking back.

It had been the most exhausting, confusing and out of the norm day she had ever been through. She didn't want to face either Jeremy or Alex.

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