Nurse Kim lowers Seonghwa's cover past his stomach and lets it rest mid-thigh. She then carefully lifts his hospital gown up.

My breath hitches at my throat when there's more dressing wrapped around his torso and I can see it going further down his body. I want to look away from the bandage wrapped around his stomach but my eyes wont seem to move.

"He also had a pretty serious internal bleeding on his left side, which caused him to lose a lot of blood in the process of patching it up. And lastly, Mr. Park fractured his hipbone but lucky for us, the injury isn't very big, in fact, it's considered small so he will hopefully be able to sit up without needing assistance soon. We are waiting for him to reach a stable condition but it may take a while by how things are looking as of now."

Nurse Kim pulls the cover back on to Seonghwa again and I let out a shaky breath. This was more than I thought.

"How are you holding up?" I hear Yeosang speak from behind me.

"I'm okay,"  I whisper. Yeosang gives me a skeptical look behind his worried eyes.

"Okay," he gives my hand a reassuring squeeze anyways.

"And now, Mr. Choi..." Nurse Kim walks us round the bed space, not forgetting to return the curtains back to its original position, safely covering Seonghwa away from the rest of the room.

"Mr. Choi's injuries are quite similar but due to a harder impact, they may be worse than Mr. Park's."

I gulp. "How much worse?" I internally groan at my scratchy voice.

Nurse Kim doesn't say anything and instead brings us to San's side of the room. I feel my palms become much more sweaty at the piece of information she brought up.

My hand grips Yeosang when Nurse Kim pulls back the curtains.

"Oh my God, San..."

I feel myself paling out at the very, very slow beeps of the heart rate monitor. It's so slow I have to brace myself before I can hear the next one, but as slow as it is, it's steady. An oxygen mask helps him breathe but his sensor still reads low but it's a sign so we know he's breathing.

San looks too calm to be hurt, too silent. San was never the type to be silent and now seeing him here makes my heart clench.

He wears a bandage around his head, just like his older cousin. One around his shoulders and I grimace at the cast on one forearm and the other full of scratches and bruises taped with white band-aids and soothing cream. I can see more from under the collar of his hospital gown and from that point on, I feel the world spin.

No, no, that's too much for San.

When I see something white peeking out from underneath his blanket, I feel my breath hitch at my throat and decide against opening it and see what happened. So I take a step backwards and hide myself behind Yeosang, gripping his arm tighter.

"Mr. Choi took a lot of the impact from the accident. He received a slightly more mild concussion than Mr. Park and due to the force, he might be experiencing a short-term retrograde amnesia but we can't be absolutely sure until he wakes up. We're all hoping that he won't but we can't ignore the chances," Nurse Kim explains.

"Amnesia?" I whisper hoarsely.

"Don't worry, even if such thing happens, it wont last long as the strength of the collision wasn't enough to cause a permanent amnesia," she tells us. That didn't make me feel any better.

"Mr. Choi pulled his shoulder muscle and his forearm, most likely as he tried to avoid the collision but, we think, bumped a little too harshly on the dashboard and is now fractured so we'll keep it in a cast for around a month to see how that goes―Miss Hyeshin are you okay?"

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