C H A P T E R 37

35 7 0

Harvey's POV,

I kept on staring at my phone waiting for a text, call or something like that. Something to just show that they were not mad at me.

I feel like time passes by when I'm angry or waiting for something. I checked my phone and it was already eight in the night, another fruitless day. These days, I spend my time doing nothing and I feel stupid because of that.

I need to figure out who I am in love with as soon as possible. I first need to make them stop hating me. I know, if I can help them see that they still love theirselves as much they did ten years ago, they might forgive me.

I have to plan a day for them, they'll do some of the things they loved doing as kids and this will either make them get along again or kill me.

I don't really know much about their childhood so I'll ask Gina for some tips. I didn't want to go to Dean's house because I didn't want to run into him so I called Gina.

Tomorrow is going to be epic or disastrous. Can't I just think positively for once?

I spent all night planning their day with Pierson and Hailey and now it's time for it to begin. I figured that I need trick them to come here so that I can force them to do it. I made Pierson and Hailey tell them that I suddenly fainted and they can't find their car keys.

Like a charm, I had all three of them coming to my place again. I quickly got dressed and laid on the kitchen floor like I had really fainted.

The door swung open and Luke ran in.

"Where's she?" Luke yelled. Dean came inside and pushed Luke.

"Where's Harvey?" Dean asked.

Liam also ran in.

"She's in the kitchen, she just passed out and I don't know why" Pierson panicked.

They came into the kitchen and stared at me. I pulled this prank a lot as a kid and one thing hasn't changed, my inability to control my laughter.

"We should probably get her to the hospital" Liam said. Luke took my arm while Dean took my legs. They struggled to get me up and I couldn't hold the laugh much longer. They were fighting each other for who would carry me and I couldn't hold it for another minute.

I burst into laughter. I opened my eyes to see three confused guys staring at me. I laughed so hard that my chest started to hurt.

"Are you kidding me?" Dean threw a tomato on my face.

"I'm sorry guys, I didn't mean to do that"

"I had to run out of my office like a lunatic" Luke snapped at me.

"It was the only way to get you guys in the same place at once"

"If I remember correctly, the last time you tried this didn't end well" Liam folded his arms.

"Which is why today is different. Think of this as me trying to mend my ways" I picked up the tomato.

"Together? You want to fix the problem with the problem itself? You're not very bright, are you?" Dean said.

"Don't worry, today's gonna be great" I ate of the tomato. They all looked at me like I had finally lost my mind.

"What? Don't look at me, I'm not gonna let a perfectly fine tomato go to waste"

I stepped outside with Pierson while the guys went to their cars.

"So who's car are you going to ride in?Cause I call dibs on Dean's smooth ride " Pierson ran to Dean's car and ran her fingers through it.

"You know what? I'm going in my car, it may be wretched Pierson but so are you" I yelled and entered my car. After I cooled off, I started the car.

Gina told me that there is an arcade, it's still there but it has changed a lot and that they used to love going there.

The ride to Neo was kind of long but we came through. I gotta say, this place is so beautiful. The boys couldn't believe their eyes.

"Are you expecting us to play this games?" Luke asked when he looked around and saw teenagers running around.

"I bet I'm still better than you at table hockey" Dean stuck out his tongue at Luke.

"Challenge accepted" They ran off to play. I did a fist bump with Pierson to celebrate my success.

We played different games and I was so happy because my little scheme was bringing the Almighty Cyprus brothers together just like old times.

"Ok, you guys have to admit that you had a blast" I sucked on my popsicle and Pierson got into the car.

"I'm not going to lie, it was manageable" Luke said.

"Yeah, it wasn't all that bad" Liam said.

"No comments" Dean stared at his snow cone.

"You know what, let's go on a camping  trip" I said.

When I said Camping trip, the smile on the boys faces died down and there was a really akward silence.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I have to go" They all said in unison and waved me before getting into their cars.


I got into my car and started heading home. On my way home, I received a call from the hospital, my mom has been moved to a regular ward.

My mom has been in a special ward were visits are not allowed that's why I've not gone to see her since like forever.

I dropped Pierson home because she was already asleep in the car and went back to the hospital.

"Marcy Davidson please, Good day by the way" I said to the nurse at the front desk.

"Good day to you too, Who are you looking for?" The nurse said.

"Fool, I just told you that" I mumbled under my breath.

"What?" She asked

"Oh nothing, I'm here for Marcy Davidson" I said.

"Right, I'm sorry but visiting hours are over"

"Your lifetime partner's visiting hours are forever over" I mumbled again.

"Are you saying something?" She asked.

"Can I just go see my mom? I'll only be a minute" I begged.

"Fine" She gave me a pass and I went in. I couldn't help the tears that kept falling as I saw my mom on the bed.

They were so many wires connected to her body that I wonder how she has been sleeping so comfortably for ten years.

"Mom, I miss you so much. If you were here, you would make me some food then sing me a song and tell me that I'm special till I fall asleep. I love you Mom" I kissed her hand and left.

I decided to think of a way to bring the boys back together so I suggested a camping trip

Thanks for this chapter.

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