Chapter 9

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Three years later
*Charlie P.O.V*

     I got up out of bed as usual and began to get ready for the day. I climbed in the shower and when I got out I was drying my hair and felt a pair of arms wrap around my torso. "Good morning handsome," she said. "Good morning beautiful," I said turning around to kiss her forehead. "Are you finished with the shower," she asked turning and walking into our bathroom. "Of course I am Belle," I said putting on some pants. "Hey Charlie, when you are ready go on ahead to the shop. I'm meeting Connie and Julie for breakfast," she said from the bathroom. "You don't want me to come with you," I asked. "No. We need some girl time together. I'll be sure to get to the shop before we open for the day," she said. I finished getting ready and when I was done she came walking out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel. "Do you want me to drop you off," I asked. "Only if you want to," she said going into her closet. "I would love nothing more than to drop my beautiful wife off for breakfast with her friends," I said pulling on a t-shirt.

*Anna P.O.V.*

   I hated lying to him about this but I didn't want to get his hopes up. After he dropped me off at the Goldberg diner I waited until he was out of sight before I called for a taxi to take me to the doctor. "I have an appointment," I told the front desk lady. "Name," she asked. "Annabelle Conway," I said. "Alright go ahead and take a seat and someone will be right out for you," she said. I sat in the waiting room for about five minutes until someone called for me. They led me to a examination room and the doctor came in not long later. "So what seems to be the issue," Dr. Farah asked. "Well I've been getting a lot of headaches lately and been awfully tired a lot. And my breasts have been sore and I'm also late," I told her. "Alright so either you are showing early signs of cancer or you have finally convinced. I want you to take this and go down the hall to the bathroom. We will test for the latter possiblity and then I will be back with the results," she said reaching under the cabinet and pulling out a small cup.

   I did as she told me to then went back to my examination room to wait for the results. I was so nervous about the results that I didn't even see Dr. Farah walk in. "So good news. It's not cancer," she said. "You mean, I'm-I'm," I began. "You're pregnant Annabelle," she said. I didn't know what to say, I was speachless. I was so happy, and I couldn't wait to get to the shop and tell Charlie. "Annabelle? Are you alright," she asked. "Y-yes. I just can't believe it after so long of my husband and I trying, after two and a half years, it's finally happened," I said releasing tears of joy. "Thank you, Dr. Farah. Thank you for everything you have done to make this possible," I said hugging her. "I'm glad everything worked out well for you. Now go tell your husband the good news," she said sending me out.

    I caught a cab and had the driver take me to the shop. When I arrived it was about 30 minutes until open. I went around to the back and unlocked the door and walked in. Charlie was checking stock out front so I went and stood behind the counter. "Hey baby," I greeted. "Hey Belle. Did you have a good breakfast with Connie and Julie," he asked continuing to check stock. "Actually I never met them for breakfast," I said he turned to me surprised. "I lied. I actually went to the doctor," I said as he walked over. "Annabelle why? What's wrong," he asked. "Nothing's wrong, but you might want to come take a seat," I said taking his hand and sitting with him on the couch in the back. "Belle what's going on. You're scaring me," Charlie began to ramble.

     "Charlie. I'm pregnant," I said. "What," he said shocked. "That's why I went to the doctor," I said. "Why didn't you tell me," he asked. "Because I didn't want to get your hopes up if I wasn't," I said. "This is great. We gotta tell my family and your family. I'm going to go call them now and invite them to meet us for dinner," he said getting up. "You do that I'll finish up the stock log," I said grabbing his clipboard from the counter. "No! You aren't doing anything today," he said grabbing the clipboard. "Charles Michael Conway. I'm pregnant not paralyzed," I said grabbing the clipboard back from him. "Call our families. I'll take care of stock," I said firmly. "Yes ma'am. Annabelle," he said. "Yeah," I said. "I love you so much. And I already know I love you too," he said the second part to my stomach. "Go make the calls you goof," I said ruffling his hair. He chuckled and went to the other room and called his folks first then my folks and brother.

    I finished stock and then opened up the shop and the first customer to walk in was Gordon. "Anna. Great to see you," he said. "Coach Gordon. Great to see you too," I said giving him a hug. "Where's Charlie," he asked. "He's in the back making a few calls. What can I do for you," I asked. "Charlie actually called me. Said you guys had something to tell me," he said. "Let me go get him," I said before going to the back. "Charlie? Did you call Bombay to tell him about the baby," I asked when I got to the back after he got off the phone. "Yeah. He's been more of a father figure to me than my stepdad has," Charlie said. "Ok. Fine we can tell him but no one else outside of family until the 20-24 week scan," I gave in. He gave me a quick kiss then we waved Gordon back.

    "So what the big news you said you had over the phone," he said closing the door behind him. "Well as you know we've been trying to start our family for a few years now," Charlie started. "I was feeling off the last couple of weeks, so I went to the doctor and found out that it is because I'm pregnant," I finished. "You're pregnant. That's great news. I'm so happy for you guys," Gordon said hugging each of us. "But you can't tell anyone else. We are only telling family until the 20-24 week scan," I said. "So why did you tell me," Gordon asked. "You've always been like a father to me. You are family to us," Charlie said wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

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