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My name's mike schmidt. I dropped out of college and live in a shady ass looking apartment. At first,I didn't have a job,so ofcourse I dont have any money either,I used to get help from my friends sometimes but I didnt wanna live like that forever .
My parents were never caring enough.
My dad,William abused me after I caused an accident at fredbear's family diner, then later in 1985 my head was bitten of by a stupid animatronic fox when I was 14 ...or was I 15?..idk .my mom died but later I found that William did it, so I ran from home
And now..I'm gonna tell you a story of how I met a ..not so normal girl.
Let's begin

Nov 1st 1987
I was walking down the street for some fresh air,since my place was almost like a dump. I came across a building and stopped to read a poster pasted on the other side of the glass door
  Help wanted

Oh. I need a job soo..
I walked inside and asked an employee to help me out.
The man had long purple hair in a ponytail, brown skin and white eyes with no pupils.he wore a blue button up shirt and black pants. he told me where the office was and I followed his directions.
I got to the boss's office and knocked at the angry voice yelled from inside
Yes?come in!
I opened the door slowly and walked inside.
Mike:um I heard you were looking for someone to hire?
His face brightened up

Mike stepped out of the office,holding the packed up uniform in his hands
Wow.. that was easy. No interview or anything.? Well I guess I should get going now. Who did he say was my coworker? Dang it forgot his name,or was it a her..  forget it .I only got a few hours before I get to work, I better get some rest.
My house was a mess.  Dirty dishes all over the kitchen, my clothes and towels were dirty and smelly,noodle and coffee cups all over the floor and coffee table.i kicked the trash out of my way and headed for my room. I changed into some lighter clothes and hanged my uniform and died

Nah I'm kidding I fell asleep

11:30 PM
I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock blaring in my face.i knocked it off the table next to my bed.i looked at my watch .it was 11:30. I bounced out of my bed and got ready for work.i got into my van and and drove to the pizzeria

god I hope I dont get late.

I arrive at the pizzeria.and opend the locked door with the keys boss gave me
I looked around the pizzeria.the lights were was really quiet. The animatronics were standing still on stage.and they're eyes seemed to follow me.
Fucking creeps
I looked around a bit more and spotted a camera,the red light was blinking
Idk why but I waved at it .whoever was in the office must think I am i complete fool,then again this dude is watching me..that doesn't seem very nice to me.
I guess he just wants me to come to the office and get to work already.

I speed walked to the office since the animatronics were starting to give me the creeps. Inside the office..was a girl
Her name tag said 'marigold'

Marigold is not my name


Marigold is a low voiced girl.but sometimes she could get a little loud
She's 18years old...thats just what she says.She not talkative type
She hates makeup and long dresses.
She's aggressive and protective and likes to read books.her height is 5'8
She has black eyes with white pupils
And a scar on her forehead. Her hair is short, colour is black.
Her skin colour is little grey.

What the fuck were you doing? She asked a bit harshly. Ok, I can do that
Nothing. Why do you care? I spit back at her.
She rolls her eyes and says
Just sit the fuck down and get to work already.before they wake up

?? ..uhh
They who?

Oh ofcourse.. you dont know

... what.

Sit down I'll explain
I sat down on the seat next to her
She put a tape recorder in front of me on the table.

Mike:I thought you said that you were going to explain.
Marigold:I change my mind blue eyes.listen to the tape instead

Oh nick names already..I see

Mike:alright grumpy
She smiled but it soon faded, as she payed attention to her book.
I listened to the tape, it was all bullshit to me.after I listened to the tape..The 12pm clock chimes. Oh boy..She puts her book away and grabs the tablet and hands me a mask.
They woke up?
They woke up..

Marigold hands me the tablet that she was using and asks me to "tell me if any of them move  from their places and let me know where they are also.."
Marigold:also keep checking the vent on your side.
Time passed by pretty quickly, the only animatronic that moved was the blue rabbit and the chicken.marigold stayed calm, idk how the fuck does she stay that calm? She the whole time,didnt bother to take the tablet out of my hands. I guess she was just too tired or too lazy..
After the shift was over,we got up  and headed out,I said a quick 'be' to her and got on my way and she goes

Marigold:hey blue eyes!
I turned my attention to her
She pauses
Marigold:you mind if I call you that?
Mike: fuck yes, I do,actually.
Marigold:alright, do yourself a favour and dont wave at any camera like that again.You looked like a fucking fool.
Mike:I'll do whatever the fuck I want.

She still. smiles I just walked away.

Marigold: bye blue eyes.
Mike:its mike.

I got home and threw my bag and hat,
Unbuttoned my shirt and fell onto my
bed,arms spread,face buried in the pillows. I closed my eyes wanting to rest ...

I couldn't sleep.

I groaned, turning and twisting myself around trying to get comfortable. I have insomnia and I so wish I didn't. I so god damn tired I just wanted to sleep.
That's when I felt a hand on my head,
It only felt like a hand.. it traced the scars on my head, it felt..nice,I felt sleepy, too sleepy to get up and see what it was. it stayed on the back of my head. My eyes were closed.i fell into deep sleep,admiring the hand that rested gently on my head.what in the world was that?..was it even from this world? I didn't question it until I woke up later, fully rested and ready.
Ready for freddy.

Thanks for reading ..
        I'll post more soon :P

FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY'S.  Protect Blue eyesWhere stories live. Discover now