My eyes then narrowed, as I glared at Ezio. Enough was enough, for too long I have watched as the assassins treated Shay and Haytham like trash basically. Not all of them, but most of them, and I'm sick of seeing it. 

"What is going on here!?" I questioned firmly, catching both Haytham's and Ezio's attention. I then move to place myself between the both of them, however I face my back towards Haytham while facing Ezio with my front, allowing my glare to reach him. 

"Belle I-"

"I'm getting sick and tired of seeing this sort of treatment towards both Shay and Haytham." I stated, crossing my arms as I shift my weight on one leg. 

"But Belle-"

"I don't care if they were Templars or what they did in the past. You are not in the past anymore, you are in the present!" I growl as I glare up at Ezio. "They, both, have already proven themselves to be on our side! What more do you want!?" 

Ezio looked away, seeming to shuffle his feet in shame. I feel a hand on my shoulder, "Relax (Y/N), it's alright." 

"No! It's not alright!" I snapped, glaring up at Haytham who simply blinked in surprise. I then point to Ezio, "If you, or anyone else, harms each other verbally or physically I will personally kick you out myself!" Ezio flinched lightly, not looking up to meet my eyes. "Do I make myself clear?" I question to him, before glancing over to Arno who flinched under my gaze as he turned around towards the stove so quick, you would of thought he teleported. 

Ezio gulped, "C-Crystal." 

"Good." I grumble, walking away. "Spread the word, there is a new rule in this household." I growl, walking out the back door with my two dogs following behind me with their tails between their legs, seeming to since the anger radiating off me. 

I slam the back door behind me once the dogs were outside, "Stupid boys and their stupid grudges." I grumbled in anger as I stomped over to the barn where I could hear the neighs of the horses echo in the wooden barn. I rolled open the large barn door before walking inside, kicking an empty bucket that sat beside the hay, sending it bouncing away. 

Maple jumped clean in the air in shock, looking down at me from her perch, seeming to be slightly tense. The horses seemed to sense it too as they went silent, well Bruno did, Apollo decides to start kicking his stall door, telling me he wants out. 

"Apollo! Cut it out or you'll be stuck in here!" I yell at him, causing him to stop, but he snorted in protest. 

I then unlatched Bruno first, allowing him to trot out of the barn before moving on to Apollo, letting him out of his stall. The dogs followed right behind them, running out after them with their tails raised high. 

I let out a sigh, plopping down next to the open stall, the anger and rage slowly fading away ... slowly. I felt the scratches on my back began to burn, or at least that's what it felt like. I wince, rubbing my back, even my head began to pound. 

"He's coming, be alert." A woman's voice ringed in my ears, before fading away just as I heard footsteps enter the barn. 

"You didn't have to do that you know. I had everything under control." I hear Haytham speak as he made his way towards me, while I took my hand and run it through my hair. 

"Yeah, it sure looked like it." I grumbled, letting out a sigh to calm my nerves, looking up into Haytham's blue eyes, I push myself up onto my feet. 

Haytham's hands clasped behind his back, "I must admit, I was pushing his ... what you call buttons." 

"So you both were bickering back and forth like children." I question, raising a brow. 

"I wouldn't call it-" Haytham closed his mouth as my eyes narrowed. He cleared his throat, "Well I guess you can say that." 

I let out a sigh, shaking my head, "I guess I have to apologize to Ezio now ... well at least for some of the things I've said." I say rubbing my temples. 

"You seem stressed lately." Haytham observed, taking a small, cautious, step forward. 

"Really? I had no clue." I state in a sarcastic tone, shrugging my shoulders. Those same green eyes flashing in my vision for a moment, before chills running down my spine. 

"(Y/N) ... I'm being serious." Haytham spoke firmly, taking a few steps forward bending his head slightly so he could stare right into my eyes, seeming to be looking for something. "If there is something wrong you can tell me." 

'Something ... wrong?'  I wonder, looking down towards the ground in thought. Was there something wrong? Those penetrating green eyes could have belonged to anyone, it wasn't necessarily him, despite the weird chills running down my spine every time I think about it. "No everything is fine." I tell him, deciding it was just my imagination or just someone who happened to have green eyes. 

Haytham raised a brow, but said nothing as he instead lifted my chin with his fingers causing me to stare into his blue eyes which almost look like glistening pools. "Promise me." He spoke softly. 

I look at him with a confused expression. "Promise to tell me-" He then seemed to trail off, a surprised look forming along his features as he took his fingers away. 

I, however, knew what he was trying to say, despite it being a bit out of character of him. I smile softly, "Of course, I promise."


I climbed up my stairs, deciding now was the time to get back to work. I closed the door behind me, only to freeze up when I find Edward looking down at my desk, specifically the book which was opened. The writing being about something called the Observatory, it seems interesting but I never grew fond of trying to find it. 

"Edward?" I question, causing him to jump lightly before turning around and seeing me, a noticeable blush forming along his cheeks. "What are you doing in my room?" I question, tilting my head to the side slightly as I glanced over towards the book. 

"U-uh nothing lass! Just um ... looking into the past." He stammered out, glancing down towards the book for a moment before looking back towards me with a nervous smile. I raised my brow, wondering what was with the Kenways today. 

"Ok?" I say, slightly confused on the way Edward was asking. 

An awkward silence then took its place between us, that was until Edward broke the silence with a sigh, "Look lass, I'm sorry about this morning." He spoke, taking his hand, rubbing the back of his neck. "I honestly had no clue you were in there, and I know I should've knocked b-but I-" 

"I know." I interrupted him, causing him to freeze as he looked at me. "It was just an accident, which ended up with the both of us being embarrassed." I say with a small smile. "I accept your apology." I say, leaning on one leg. 

"Glad ta hear it lass." Edward spoke with a look of relief on his face. A cocky grin then formed along his lips, "But you know, you should show off those curves more." 

I rolled my eyes, "What are you Ezio? Get out pirate." I teased, hitting him lightly on the shoulder as he laughed, walking out of the room. Before he left, he gave me a devilish smirk, before winking, "Guess the Italian as competition now huh lass?" 

I chuckled lightly while shaking my head as I hear the door close. I then walk over to my desk, a small blush forming along my cheeks. "I have nice curves huh? I never heard that one before." I mumbled to myself as I drag my hand over the page. "Oh how I wish to know you guys history." 

Alright and now that that's done! I would like to apologize for any mistakes or rushes in this chapter, especially around the last part (more specifically around the last part). I am exhausted and can hardly keep my eyes open after a long day like today. Anyway, besides that!

Who would you like to see next? 

And how would the special moment happen?

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