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Jessica's POV

There are two words - two words that when you put them together it creates a terrible thing - those words are bad and boy. people either hate them or love them, I for one have been forced to be friends with the two bad boys of my school - Zach Herron and Jack Avery. these are these two are the only guys in the school who will dump you faster than you can approach them. Z and J are the type that know they are hot and because they know that they are hot they are hella cocky about it. they are always cocky. everyone says they are really rude, annoying and usually very selfish, even though when they are with me they are alone with me they are completely different, but then again when they are with their friends they treat me like all the other girls they come across - they will flirt with me until I get annoyed and go away then again I will always go running back to them. other than that Zach, Jack and I have been fri-best friends since about third grade when I got moved here to live with my grandparents, my parents got arrested so I got taken off them, they haven't even tried to get in touch with me - they definitely love me. anyway my nana asked her friend to come camping the week I arrived - she knew she'd bring her daughter and then she would bring her friend... the two girls turned out to be Zach and Jack's parents. we instantly became best friends on the first day.

now even though they treat other girls so bad, they are still my favourite people in the world... besides my nana but...

now adding on to that they are the kind of friends who will call you early in the morning asking to go to maccies, or if ive had a bad day they wouldn't hesitate to bring me a huge tub of ice cream and sit with me for hours...

real time....

I run my hand though my wavy brown hair and grabbed my bag from the top of the lockers then walked towards the school doors, as I walked outside the cold wind hit me and I closed my jacket around me. I was going to walk home since it was nice out. half way home I bumped into my friend Annie, she was sitting on a wall for some reason - flashing me a smile when she saw me.

"hey Jess" she said
"hi" I smiled and jumped up onto the wall next to her, as I looked out across the street I saw people freaking out "whats going on over there?" I nudged her
she looked up from her phone "you dont know...?" she looked at me like I was crazy
"Zach and Alexis broke up last night"
yeah Zach had a girlfriend - well they always cheat on eachother so I dont know exactly what they even were, but I do know she only dated him for popularity

"so who broke up with who?" I asked, there was no point in the question, I knew that Zach probably broke up with her
"Alexis broke up with him"
my eyes opened wide
"hold up - " I took a deep breath "Alexis Porter broke up with Zach Herron?" I couldn't get my head around the fact
"yes that is what I said" she laughed
"dickhead normally brakes up with the girls ive never actually seen one of the sluts would brake up with him" annie said - now maybe you'd think i'd get really angry at her but im actually not, you see before Zach got with Alexis. He used his stupid charm on Annie to get her to go on a date with him - it obviously worked, as always, they went on a date and she came to me the next day bragging about it, about how amazing it was, about how much of an amazing guy he is - and I did warn her plenty of times to stay away, but she didn't listen to me. then the same week Zach invited Annie over to his house and you know they had sex. then a week later Zach was already with Alexis, the whole school quickly spread the news around until it got to Annie, she got heartbroken and now she hates both their guts - Zach's more though.

"ugh I bet he feels like shit" I said feeling sorry for my best friend
"good - its what he fucking deserves" Annie rolled her eyes and looked back at her phone
"mhm - he gets to know how he makes us feel" Lola showed up behind us - where did she come from?
"guys please - have some sympathy for him" I said
Annie snarled "why would we do that?"
"you know hes been my best friend since forever, can you pretty please try? for me?" I asked, practically begging
"ugh fine - only for you" Annie flashed me a smile
"I guess. and maybe I do feel a little bad for him, but what he did to us was not it" Lola said
"I dont either" we started to talk about other things before Lola pointed towards the school gates

"there he is" she said, we looked at him, he was walking out with jack and he had his hood up
he kept his head low, that's when I knew he was sad - he normally has a big cheesy smile on his face, or he'd be winking at a girl on the other side of the street. I bit my lip as he got into his car, then he quickly pulled out of the parking space and drove away. I felt really bad for him, maybe he actually had feelings for Alexis after all.

"guys, im uh gonna go" I jumped off the wall "i'll see you tomorrow" I waved at them before walking off. I put my earphones in before walking quite fast back to my house. once I got there I heard my nana on the phone with someone, I took my shoes off and kept my earphones in my pocket. I went to go find my grandad, and obviously the first place I checked was his office

"hey grandad" I smiled hanging though the doo
"hey Jess, how was you day buttercup?" he asked
"just normal, except Zach was weird" I didn't want to tell him why Zach was weird
"im sure hes fine Jess" he smiled at me
"yeah - well im going to go say hey to nana now, speak later" I said before shutting thre door and walking back into the kitchen, as I walked in she put the phone down and smiled at me.
"hey birdy" she said
"hi nana" I sat at the island
"do you wanna help me bake some cookies?" she started to grab some ingredients
"what for?" I asked
"that was Myta on the phone then - Zach just got home and he looked really sad, Jack wont tell her or his mom so we want you to try find out whats wrong with him, then tell me so I can tell Myta"
"easy, his girlfriend broke up with him" I shrugged "you should know her nana, Alexis Porter"
she thought about it
"louis Porter's daughter" i added
"ohh! yes i know her now" she then put her focus back on the cookies "isn't she really mean tho?"
i nodded
"right well, you'll take these to him yes?"
"yes nana" i laughed. then i went up to my room for a while

a few hours later my dinner was ready so i went downstairs to eat with my grandparents, when we were done nana handed me the box of cookies and told me to take them over to Zachs house - its not very far at all, so i walked there, and m not going to lie i did eat three of the cookies on the way there but he wont mind. anyway when i got there i rang their doorbell and his mom opened the door

"ah Jessica nice to see you" Myta smiled at me and brought me in for a hug "Zach is upstairs, but you just missed Jack" she looked at the cookies "www he'll love them" she sent me upstairs and i kinda ran up there. when i got to his door i heard gun shots, he was obviously playing GTA or something like that - i knocked on the door.

"mom piss off" he shouted
"Zach? its Jessica" i said, quickly i heard the gunshots stop as he came to open the door
"jess? what are you doing here?" he asked, his eyes red raw, from crying most probably, he was just wearing gray sweatpants - he was shirtless
"my nana made some cookies... i might of ate some though" i laughed a bit as i handed him the box then walked into his room.
"oh and im here to check on you" i said, he shut the door behind himself, i then sat on his bed, i looked at him and he had already ate two cookies - i smiled at him
"do you want me to go get you some food or something?" i asked
"no" he laughed, then he came and sat next to me
"you know i was actually going to text you - to ask you to come over"
my eyes widened "Zachery Dean im not having sex with you"
he rolled his eyes dramatically "i just wanted to talk with you"
"oh... about what?"
"Alexis" his voice cracked, he got real upset and i think he was crying. ive only seen his cry once, and of course that was when we were like 9...

i sighed "you liked her, a lot, didn't you?" i asked and he didn't answer me
"Zach, dont hide things from me"
"i-i dont know"
"if you did, why did you cheat on her with all those girls?"
"its not that i liked her okay - i-i just liked being with her" he breathed deeply "a-and i liked the idea of having someone - s-so that's what i did"
"its not good for you Zachy"
"i know" he ran his hand though his hair then fixed his pants, i bit the inside of my cheeks
"she made me look pathetic" he sighed
"she fucking had to do it in front of everyone didn't she?, and that really fucking pissed me off Jess" he leant his head on my shoulder
"Zach, you aren't pissed off - your hurt, upset" i looked down at him "and you've been crying so.."
"no i havent!" he snapped
"fuck you"
"Herron" i smacked his arm
"okay, fine - of course i cried, im hella embarrassed Jess"
i put one of my hands on his leg and he grabbed it, he pulled it closer to him and i ended up on his lap
"Zach i already told you, im not going to have sexy with you" i sighed and tried to get off him
"can you j-just lay with me - please i need you" he frowned, when i locked my eyes with his and he was crying, i used my thumb to wipe his tear away and nodded. he then moved me over to the other side, he turned his PlayStation off and came back to lay next to me. i ruffled his hair and smiled at him
"im sorry Zach"
"its fine, thanks for being here for me Jess"

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