The Giant Marshmallow

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A/N: You probably won't understand this if you have never seen the movie Big Hero Six, or the tv show Big Hero Six: The Series. WARNING: Blood, demons, adorable-ness, and cringe-y-ness, and omelets. 

"Alexander! You're home!" Magnus exclaimed as I walked into his loft. "How was your day?"

"Great," I replied, dropping my ichor-covered seraph blade on the table.

"I got you something." Magnus smiled, snapping a box into his hands. "Go sit on the couch. I think you'll like it."

I did as told, sitting on the couch after Magnus magically changed my clothes into clean jeans and a t-shirt. He set the box down on my lap. 

"Open it." 

Since Magnus was so excited about this, I already expected the worse. "Magnus, if this shoots out glitter or something..."

"It won't, Alexander, I promise."

I sighed, carefully opening the box. I waited for something to jump out and do my makeup, but when nothing happened, I peered inside. There was a white object in the box. I pulled it out, along with the red base it was sitting in. 

Then Magnus elbowed me in the shoulder, hard. 

"Ow," I mumbled, mostly out of surprise than anything else. 

To my absolute horror, the white thing began to fill up with air until the most terrifying thing I had ever seen was standing in front of me. 

It waved. "Hello, I am Baymax, your personal..."

"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT MAGNUS GET IT AWAY IT LOOKS LIKE A GIANT MARSHMALLOW I DON'T TRUST IT!" I shot off the couch, seraph blade in hand, because, you know, badass shadowhunters get scared of marshmallows. Don't judge me. 

Magnus grabbed my arm, trying so hard not to laugh that his entire face was redder than a tomato. "Alexander, you trust me, don't you?"

I looked at him. He knew I trusted him, but this was just... weird. Why was he giving me a giant marshmallow? Not only that, but a giant marshmallow that could TALK.

"There, there." The marshmallow said, patting my head. "There is no reason to be afraid. I will not hurt you."

"Sit back down, Alexander," Magnus told me, forcing me back onto the couch. 

"Hello, I am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion," The giant marshmallow continued. "I was alerted for the need of medical attention when you said, 'ow.'"

I looked up at him in confusion. I still didn't get it.

"On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain?" 

"Zero," I replied. "I'm fine."   

Magnus grabbed my arm, pulling up my shirt sleeve. I had a gash there where a demon had tried to bite me. How Magnus knew about it, I had no idea. I had only gotten it today. 

When Marshmallow, I mean, when Baymax, saw it, he started talking again. 

"On a scale of one to ten, how would you..."


Magnus stopped me. "Be honest, Alexander."

I sighed. "Like a four," I said, unsure of any other answer, I had never 'rated' my pain before. "But it's fine. I can just use my stele to fix it."

"'Stele' is not in my database. Can you please define the word?"

Magnus smiled. Obviously, he was loving this. "It doesn't matter right now, Baymax. I will explain later."

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