The only thing that's keeping me going

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The black sky grasped me in awe as my breath descended into smoky ghosts against the cold air. My electric blue jacket wrapped itself around my torso. A smile escaped my soul and drifted onto my face. I let out my arms and spread them out like a scarecrow letting the fresh breeze whip along the bare skin on my arms. Peace settled upon me, breaking myself from the world once again. The pain inside disappeared, making my heart cry with joy and slowly mend itself like broken glass- fragile yet beautiful.

Then I was awoken by girlish giggles and whispers. My eyes shot open and turned to the source of the disturbing noises and sent a deadly glare. They both took a step back in surprise at first but then continued to laugh louder this time strolling towards me in high-heels taller than I thought was even possible in luminous pink that blinded me for a moment, by the time my forest green eyes had blurred into focus the two identical fake blond, thin as a twig, false breasted bitchy ass teens were looking down at my average self.

"There's a limit to how weird you can be to enter this school," bitchy ass girl number 1 sniggered annoyingly in my face.

"Yeah. And you have to be at least Philly the fake pretty to be in this hall," the second bitchy ass girl mimicked her pointing a slender ring covered finger at a barbie looking female. She looked like she had plastic surgery from the tip of her shiny toe to the top of her strawberry blond hair.

"Were not in a hall!" I corrected her tiny brain.

"Doesn't matter! Your still a nobody! Your a freak, a weirdo and your pugly as hell!"

Enough is enough, these people weren't just some people I met on the street. These two people were Olivia and Donna. I'd known them since nursery and yes, always hated them. I had been taking shit from them since the day I met them. I was 15 now and I wasn't going to take there crap.

My hand broke into a fist punching her right in her fake nose! CRACK! Woops.... I think I might have broke it..!

"OMG! What the fuck was that?! Your crazy! I'm getting-" she fell on her barely covered butt. Her mouth open and a red hand print on her face as I ran towards the park. Footprints followed me in the snow. I ran faster, faster until my chest shrunk, my lungs seizing up. My eyes stared into whiteness, my vision flashed between a white slate and real-life. I saw a glimpse on the rusty ghost park hidden by trees and was going to cry in happiness but then realised that if I did I would probably die from having no oxogen.

Then a cold hand grabbed my shoulder. Just in time for them to see me blackout back first into the freezing cold snow. 

Goodnight, my angelWhere stories live. Discover now