Chapter Three: Getting Out

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It was around 5:30 when I finally decided to get ready. I had already took a bath, so i knew it wouldn't take me long to get dressed. I decided to just go with a causal look. I went with a purple two piece with a pair of heels. It wasn't the best outfit of choose, but I wasn't trying to impress anyone.

I pulled my makeup bag out out of the cabinet and just added a little touch ups. I've been going with a more natural look nowadays. I was almost ready when I heard a car door close. I looked out the window and saw Shannon making her way up the sidewalk. I knew she'd let herself in, so I didn't bother going down stairs. I walked out of the bathroom just as Shannon made her way into my bedroom.

"You look amazing. I'll have to beat the boys off you tonight," Shannon exclaimed.

I just smiled and asked, "You ready?"

She nodded than let me know that Cleo and Mia would be meeting us at the club. Which was fine by me because I adored them two so much. As we hopped in her car Wide Awake was playing. I got sick to my stomach and just turned it off. It's not that I'm ungrateful for them playing my songs, it's just I'm trying to stay out of spotlight whirl I'm dealing with my mess.

We made it to the club. The flashes from the pap's cameras blinked in my eyes as we walked in. I just rushed past them like always. As we walked in I glanced around the room for either Cleo or Mia. Shannon finally spotted Mia so we made our way over to them.

"Damn. Look as these two foxy mommas," Mia joked about Shannon and me.

"Ha! It was about to be one foxy momma if I didn't talk this one into coming," Shannon said as she pointed at me.

I just interrupted and told them I'd be back that I had to go to the bathroom. I made my way through the crowd and found the bathroom. I knocked to make sure no one was in there. As I shut the door I turned the lock. I looked in the mirror and saw a few tears shed. It was horrible of me to not even want to be with my own best friends. I just wanted to go home and cry my pain away, but I remembered what I had stuck in my purse the other night. It was a blade. I've read that cutting helps, so I began to look in my purse for the object.

I haven't made the first cut yet, but I've been thinking hard about it. I looked at it for a few moments, and just shoved it back down my bag. I wasn't even strong enough to even take the blade out of the plastic bag. I whipped the tears from my eyes and unlocked the door. I took a deep breathe and told myself to enjoy tonight.

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