"That's cool."

"I know right! Well, I don't have much time now, I'll be watching from above, remember that!" Gyro snapped his fingers once again, and I blacked out.

I woke up again, in some sort of cave. I was shorter, deaged. What is this place?t as


What the-

Message from Gyro: I forgot your last ability. You have basic knowledge of where you are at any place, what time is it, and basically whatever is happening. I gotta go bye!

I sighed. There was a pathway, so I walked along it, hoping to find a way out. Instead, I walked into a guy having trouble fighting a... minotaur? On instinct, I grabbed my necklace, cool one by the way, and a pink-black scythe appeared in my hand.

 minotaur? On instinct, I grabbed my necklace, cool one by the way, and a pink-black scythe appeared in my hand

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I don't own this goddamn pic.

I rushed towards the boy, who was knocked down. 

"One For All: Full Cowling!" Before the minotaur could bashed the boy's head in, I leapt towards it and with 1 slice, dissolved it into non-existence, leaving... loot? My scythe dissapeared and my necklace came back again. I dusted my pants and went to the guy, who had got up.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, where's the- did it run off?" The guy looked around.

"If you're talking about the minotaur, I destroyed it. Why?"

The guy's eyes widened.

"You defeated the minotaur! That's so cool!"

I rubbed the back of my head. "Thanks?"

"What's your name?" I swore the guy had stars in his eyes.

"Izuku Midoriya. Yours?"

"Bell Cranel, fellow adventurer! I'm in the house of Hestia!"

Just then, a group of adventurers came into the cave/room. One of them asked.

"We heard a minotaur, where is it?"

Bell pointed at me. "This guy defeated it!"

The group looked surprised.

"This..guy not wearing armour and does not seem to have any weapon at all?"

"Yeah!" Bell nodded. I stood there awkwardly.


"Err, the drops are here." I pointed at the loot. They seemed to notice it for the first time.

"Oh by the way, what level are you, Midoriya?" Bell turned towards me. I recalled Gyro saying something...

"Level 7." I confirmed.

"WHAT???????!!!!!!!!" A girl pushed forward from the group, probably the leader.

"Are you sure? I am level 6 and as far as I know, I am the strongest at the moment." She frowned.

I leaned close to Bell, "Who's that?"

"You mean you don't know? She's Aiz Wallerstein, the strongest so far, are you sure you're level 7?"

"Take off your shirt." I turned towards Aiz.


"Take of your shirt." She repeated.

I gripped my shirt tightly, "Why?"

Bell whispered to me. "Your level is stated at the back of your body, we want to see if you really are level 7."

"Ah... okay." I awkwardly took of my shirt. My body wasn't that good, just a 6-pack. :D Bell looked awed.

I frowned. "What?"

"You really are level 7..."

"Yeah, so?"

"That means you're the strongest person now! What familia are you in, Hera? Freya?"

"Uhhh," The information hit me. "I'm in no familia."

"WHAT?! So you lived alone and got so powerful?"

Don't tell them you're from another world, it's not the time.


Bell looked awed, until Aiz stepped forward. 

"You will make a powerful ally, join me, join the Loki familia." She raised her hand out, all anime-style.

I frowned and turned towards Bell. "What familia are you in?" Bell looked at me forlornly.

"The Hestia familia."

"Is that supposed to be bad?"

"The Hestia familia... is not known. It only has me as a member, as well as Hestia."

"Ah..." I turned towards Aiz.

"My apologies, but I think I'll join Bell here, no offence, but I do feel that if I joined the Hestia familia, I would be happier." I bowed.

Bell looked shocked, "You want to join the Hestia familia?" Aiz too.

"Yeah" I smiled.

Bell jumped for joy. Literally.

"Yeah! Come on, let's go, Hestia must be waiting for me already!"

"Hey wait, what about the loot?"

Bell stopped, "Oh yeah," He bowed to Aiz. "You can have it if you want, sorry for troubling you and your companions." He was lightly blushing. I smirked, it was going to the blackmail folder.

Aiz smiled. "You can have it, after all, you slew it." She handed me the loot. I pocketed it.

"Thanks." Was all I could manage before I was dragged away by Bell.

End. :D

a random bnha x danmachi (Is it wrong to pick up girls in a dungeon?)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant