Chapter 3: Transfer

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1 week later

Santana's POV:

I was sitting in Spanish and I couldn't get Brittany off of my mind. She's become my best friend in just a week! But I am so bored... you have no idea. I finished my classwork already, seeing as Spanish is my first language. We still have 45 min. Left of class so I decide to text Brittany.

S- Hey Britt! I'm in Spanish. SO bored. Save me!

B- Lol! Wish I could. But hey, if it makes you feel any better, I have a surprise for you! :)

S- What is it what is it?! :D

B- Now if I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise, now would it?

S- Fine! I'll wait! When do I get to find out?

B- soon, I promise! :)

S- Fine... you still coming over tonight?

B- Yes ma'am! K I gotta go! Bye San!

S- bye, see ya tonight.

I decided to watch netflix until the end of class.

~ After class

I was in my locker putting my stuff away getting ready for lunch when I felt two hands cover my eyes.

"Get the hell off now or I'll go all Lima Heights on your sorry ass!" I said loudly.

"Why would you hurt me?" I heard a familiar, angelic voice say behind me.

"Britt!" I squealed and turned around throwing my arms around her. Then I pulled back. "Wait why are you here? Is everything okay?" I say with concern lacing my voice.

She just smiled. "I just transferred." She says excitedly.

I stare in shock.

"Surprise!" She squeals. "I told you I hated Carmel high. And since I met you, my decision to transfer was easy." She smiles.

"Oh my god this is amazing!" I squeal and hug her again!

"I made sure the office knew you were the only person I knew. So they matched my schedule to yours so I won't be lonely or get lost." She smiles again

"Well come on! It's lunch time. I'll introduce you too my friends. OMG you should totally join the Cheerios! And glee club! I haven't heard you sing yet but I've seen you dance. It's amazing!" I squealed happily

"Sure! But later. I'm starving." I heard her stomach growl. She looked down and blushed.

I just giggled and linked or pinkies.  After getting our food I brought her to the Cheerios table.

"Hey Q! This is Brittany. Brittany that blonde over there is my best friend Quinn."

"Ahh... so your the famous Brittany that Santana won't stop talking about." Quinn says with her Queen Bitch smirk on.

"Shut up Q!" I blush..

"That's me!" Britt says cheerfully. "San has told me a lot about you too Quinn."

"She better have! I'd kill her if she didn't!" Quinn says with laughter behind her voice

"Puh- lease. I could beat your ass any day Q and you know it." I sneer

"Are you so sure about that?" Quinn smirks.

"Positive." Before I could continue, Brittany interrupts.

"Are you sure you guys are best friends?" She looks at us questioningly.

Quinn and I just look at each other and burst out laughing.

"I promise! I need my main bitch! This is just how we mess around. It's all good-hearted." I say after my fit of laughter.

"So Britt," Quinn says staring at the other blonde. "How did you manage to do what only one other person has managed to do, and break through the wall that surrounds Santana?"

"When she hurt herself my body went on autopilot and I helped her." Britt says motioning to my hand that is still in a bandage. "After that we kept talking and hanging out. She just.. let me in." Brittany says with that mega watt smile of hers.

"That's actually really sweet." Quinn smiles.

"By the way, who's the other person who has gotten through?" Britt questions.

"Me." Quinn answers. "Santana and I get into fights. Frequently. But we are ALWAYS there for each other. No matter how mad the other one is."

"Ok enough of this sappy crap!" I say happily. "We have 20 min. And Britt wants to try out for Cheerios!"

"Really!?" Quinn squeals! "Let's go then!" She yells and runs off. I grab Brittany's hand and lead her to coach Sylvester's office.

~15min later

Brittany's POV:

I was sitting down with Santana panting and drinking my water waiting for Quinn  and coach Sylvester to decide whether or not I'm in. Quinn was head Cheerio, so she had a say in the decision.

"That was great Brittany." Santana says adoringly

"Really?" I question

"Yes! She'd be stupid not to let you in."

After she said that Quinn came out smiling with a box in her hand. She handed it to me and when I opened it, there was a uniform, a jacket, a backpack, a water bottle and pompoms.

"I'm in?" I ask excitedly.

"You're in!"  Quinn says.

I throw my arms around Santana and she hugs back instantly. Then I get up and throw my arms around Quinn. She takes a little longer to respond but eventually she does.

There is something really good coming out of this.

More time to spend with Santana!

"Now after school there is glee practice. You can go with me and Q here and you can audition. Are you ready?" Santana asks me.

"I have the perfect song. But I'm gonna need your help San." I respond.

"Ok. Come one 2 more classes before glee!" Santana says and links our pinkies and we walk toaround our lockers then class.

I can't wait for glee!

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