16| Crystalfilms

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Min Hyuna

After the shoot from yesterday, our company gave us a short break, kind of.

You see, early this morning, we received a text that a couple of the camera crew will visit us in our dorm and follow us around for our very first video.

It's just like BTS's Bangtan bombs from Bangtantv, where some random videos about us or of us will be posted.

This is a great way to promote our group and show the world the behind the scenes of the first girl group of Big Hit in ages.

Basically the Korean girl group version of the famous American show, Living with the Kardashians. But, without all the drama.

"Girls! Hurry up! They'll be here soon!" I yelled from the kitchen.

They all scrambled out of their rooms and made their way to the kitchen. Right on cue, the doorbell rang from outside.

"They're here!" I exclaimed.

I stood up and walked to the door to open it. The camera crew stood outside as I smiled at the huge camera in front of me. It somehow made me feel uneasy, but I need to learn to get used to this kind of lifestyle.

I chose this, after all.

"Good morning!"I happily exclaimed. "I'm so glad that you all could visit and join us for breakfast!"

I motioned them to come in, "The girls are eating breakfast. Come!"

They quietly followed me into the kitchen. The girls turned to us as soon as they saw people crowding behind the camera man.

"Good morning!" The girls greeted the camera.

"Ladies! We are..." I began.

"Celestial!" We exclaimed and bowed. "Annyeonghaseyo, Crystals imnida!"

"Yah!" We all turned to Mi-mi who just yelled at Heeyoung.

"Those are my pancakes!" She exclaimed. Heeyoung rolled her eyes as she chews the food in her mouth.

"All pancakes are the same, you can go get more." I sighed as Heeyoung and Mi-mi started arguing about the pancakes.

I awkwardly laughed at the camera, "It's always like this every morning. Me and the girls have been living under the same roof for two years, I'm used to their constant arguments."

Jae-jae nodded, "My unnies are always fighting about something."

I sighed again, "You're no better. You practically join their fights every single day."

She giggled awkwardly.

The filming stops.

The producer waved at us and signaled to us to tell us that they stopped recording. We all sighed in relief, they'll probably edit it out.

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