The Stern Police Chief

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Breathless you ran, attempting to escape.

"No!" you screamed out. Hands grabbed at your arms, your shoulders, your neck--

"Please! STOP!" You yell one last time before you're interrupted by a familiar buzzing sound.

Your eyes jolted open because of your reoccurring nightmare, but they stay open to analyze the contents of a message on your phone.

"Oh, great... My police team is going to be the front line at the protest tomorrow," you remarked in annoyance. 

After taking back your senses from the panic given to you from your nightmares, you realize you'd woken up in a cold sweat. You move your eyes from the message to check the time on your phone:

"6:30 am and I'm already in a bad mood," you sighed. Reluctantly, you got up from bed to wash away the writhing negativity from your dream. 

You weren't the same person. 

You're stronger now; more resilient. 

You wouldn't be a police chief otherwise.

After a while of letting the warm water flow from your head to the floor, you let out a breath to clear your head one final time before making your way out of the shower. Getting back to your room, you pick out a black tank top to go underneath your black uniform. Finally, you embellish your attire with a badge and a body camera, put on your shoes, and grudgingly head to your police car.

Change was coming faster from the outside than from the inside. You had to work faster or else more people are going to end up getting hurt.

Posterior to a 45-minute drive, you arrive at the police station. Nearly busting through the door, you walk a swift, steady, pace and called for a meeting. After everyone gathers, you commenced your announcement:

"I'm sure all of you got the message about us appearing in front of the protestors in case it becomes violent. Though I highly doubt a peaceful protest would turn violent, there are 3rd parties who'd crave to formulate trouble in the midst of it. I'd like to remind all of you, that this isn't a free for all. We are, and always should be, peacemakers. Do not resort to violence unless you've got no other options and you are being attacked. 5:30 pm, we start heading there to enforce the curfew at 6. That is all-- Lieutenants, a word," you finished up your talk and called a smaller meeting with the Lieutenants.

"What's up, Chief?" asked one of the Lieutenants.

"The other day, we got a report on a person, seen wearing full riot gear, who was in one of the protests. They seem aggressive, but not violent at the moment. They're likely coming to the protest again so I want all of you to be prepared for that. Note that they haven't been violent and do not engage with them. We're there to prevent violence, not start it-- Got it?" You sternly verify with the Lieutenants.

"Got it!" They respond back.

Although you were unfamiliar with the obscure figure, they saturated your mind with suppositions: Was he all-around aggressive? Was he quiet in his free time? Was he plotting something? 

Numerous thoughts passed through your mind as you went about your day. 

'Whoever they are, they don't seem like the joking type' You thought.

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