Chapter three: Behind Blue Eyes

Start from the beginning


John chuckled. "In the bar, remember?"

"Yeah yeah I know." Pete laughed. "I've been at Roger's all day, helping him with his stupid black eye. Why he needed me for that, when he's got Cyn, I will never know."

"Black eye?" I asked.

"Yeah him and Keith got in a fight with some guy last night over Cynthia."

"Oh God, What'd she do this time?"

"Oh it wasn't something she did. The guy, Chad, called her a drunk whore, and Keith did not take very kindly to that, so him and Roger beat him up."

"Well at least I know there are people who will look after her. She didn't get hurt, did she?"

"No she's fine. Probably has a hangover today, though."

I laughed. "I'll say."

Just as the last word left my mouth, a huge clap of thunder rumbled through the sky.

John got up and went to the window. "It's getting pretty bad out there."

A flash of lighting came and the power was gone.

"Ah shit!" Yelled John. "I suppose we're going to need candles."

"God everyone just go look for candles." I groaned.

We all went different directions, feeling our way around the house.

I was in, what I thought was the living room, when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

The hand, whose I suspected to be John, spun me around and pulled me into them.

"Whoa John-" He stopped me with his lips.

This kiss felt different than normal. It was more aggressive than John usually was.

I deepened the kiss and felt his hand slide up my thigh.

He tried desperately to pull me closer, when I was already as close as I thought possible.

He ran his free hand through my hair, tangling it between his fingers.

I wrapped my arms around his neck.

He pushed me into the corner of the room, and began to kiss down my neck.

"I found some candles!" John's voice yelled.

I froze. If John was over there, and not here kissing me..... then I was kissing.... Pete?

I pushed Pete away. "Pete you idiot!" I hissed.

Just then the power flash back on, revealing Pete's confused expression.

"Why didn't you just push me away to begin with?" He asked, slightly hurt.

"I THOUGHT YOU WERE JOHN!!" I whispered, so John wouldn't hear.

He looked shocked. "Oh."

John came back into the room, and noticed me in the corner with Pete a few inches away.

"Uh..... what's going on here?" He asked.

I gave Pete a nasty look. "We just ran into each other looking for candles."

"Oh." John didn't seem convinced. "Well guess we don't need them now."

"No, uh, I guess not." Pete nervously chuckled.

John and Pete then went to clean the kitchen from dinner.

While they cleaned I went to mine and John's room to compose myself.

Had I really just kissed Pete and thought it was John?

Was I really that stupid? I didn't even know my own boyfriend, but I never would've expected it to be anyone else.

But Pete was a damn good kisser.

I shook my head at my disgusting thought. I loved John. Not Pete.

I walked back into the kitchen. "You alright, luv?" John asked.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Just brushing my teeth." I lied.

"Well, um, thanks for dinner guys, but I'm worn out so I'll see you tomorrow."

"Alright g'night Pete." Said John.

I walked to John and sat next to him on the couch.

"What were you and Pete really doing?" John asked, sternly.

I went pale, and took his hand to lead him to the bedroom so Pete wouldn't hear.

"John look, I swear I have nothing for Pete. I love you."

"I know. But what did you do?"

"He- he kissed me." I looked at the ground.

The room went silent.

I didn't dare look at him.

"Well, did you feel anything for him?"

"No I swear I thought it was you. The only reason I felt something is because I thought it was you."

John looked saddened. "I'm going to sleep on the couch." And he left the room.

I sat on the bed and cried. What had I done?

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