A Cinderella Story

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Cody Miller, a boy from Florida, was just asked to the school dance. But he doesn't know by who.

He received a note in his locker saying:

"Hi Cody, I've had a crush on you for a really long time, and I was just wondering if you would like to go to the dance with me?


He thought to himself, "Who is KM24? If I don't know who asked me, how am I supposed to answer?"

He didn't know what to do, so he just ignored it. It was probably just a prank. He's a nerd, and gets picked on so much, it was probably a prank.

He was planning on not going to the dance, but what if his "Secret Admirer" was there. So he just decided to go.
At the dance, everyone said, "Why is that geek here?" Or, "Look, I'm not surprised that he's here alone."

He got annoyed of it, so he decided to walk outside. He took off his glasses to clean them, one guy spit soda on them. He didn't have his glasses on, so he couldn't see. But then, he saw a blurry figure wearing blue walk up to him.

She said, "Hi Cody, I've had a crush on you for a really long time. I just wanted you to know that." Then, she kissed him softly on his cheek.

She started running away, so Cody put his glasses on really fast. All he saw was that she was wearing a blue dress, had brown hair, and was wearing blue high tops. Then, she disappeared into the distance.

He then remembered the note that was left in his locker, he had it in his pocket. He took it out and read it. It said exactly what that girl just said to him. Cody now knew that she was the girl, but he didn't know who she was.
The next Monday at school, because the dance was on Friday night, Cody was determined to find the girl that kissed his cheek. He walked around the halls of his school looking for brunettes. When he found them, he looked down at their feet to see if they had blue high tops. Nothing. He looked in all of his classes. Nothing. It's been a week, now it's Friday. He just decided to give up on the whole thing. He would never find her.

In his first period class on Friday, the girl sitting behind him tapped on his shoulder. It was Katie Michaels. "Hi Katie," Cody said to the blonde girl sitting behind him. "Hi Cody, can you pass this to Holly for me please? I need to return the stuff I borrowed from her for the dance, she's getting mad," She said.

She handed him a paper bag. It was kinda open, so he looked inside. It looked like a blue dress and a brown wig. He finally connected the dots:

KM24 = Katie Michaels, locker #24

He looked down at her shoes, blue high tops. He looked at her and smiled. She smiled back and said,

"Took you long enough."

~The End~

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