Metal : He's just following me...

Eggman : You know, I'v been thinking that I don't need you anymore. Your just a garbage to me! You can't even capture Sonic! Useless!

Metal : But Doctor...

Eggman : WHAT!?

Metal : I- I-

Eghman : Ck, your voice box broken. I just repair it for you! How did it broke!?

Metal : (scared eye)

Eggman : Heh, garbage

   Eggman take his stick and hit Metal. Metal try to doge Doctor's hit. But the electric shock hit Metal fast. Meral fell to the ground. Eggman step him. Metal's broken, and Shard was sad. Shard look at the hole like last time. He never see Doctor really mad like that before.

    The Egg bots throw Metal to his room. Metal isn't responding. Infinite saw the Egg bots throw Metal. He sneak in to Metal's room like always. Shard was watching from far. He also wanna go but, Eggman ask him to do his mission. Infinite saw metal laying on the ground with no movement.

Infinite : METAL!!!

Metal : ...

Infinite : Don't worry, I'll fix you up!

Some minutes later...

Infinite : Metal, can you hear me?

Metal : P r o c e s s i n g . . .
              L o a d i n g  F i l e s . . .
              L o a d i n g  C o m p l e e t

Infinite : Metal?

Metal : U-ugh, what happend?

Infinite : Budy!

Metal : Huh? What happend? What happend?

Infinite : You don't remember anything?

Metal : All I know is that, I was being hit by that stick... And I, huh?

Infinite : Well at lease your okay now. Good things you put your files in a flash disk

Metal : Infinite... I... Want to quit the empire... (sad eye)

Infinite : Well let's go then! Delate the files!

Metal : I don't know... Should I?

Infinite : Dude, your suffering here. Let's just run away!

Metal : Humm...

Infinite : You don't need to think, Metal

Metal : Okay, I'll do it! But, let me just deleting the files that's harmfull to me


Eggman's music
Eggman's plan
• Eggman's secret photo
• Tutorial how to grow mustache
• Tutorial how to kill hedgehog
• Tutorial how to train robot
• Tutorial how to hack robot
• Tutorial how to control Metal Sonic system


YES          NO


Infinite : Geze, why does he have so many files on you? Your not even his computer

Metal : I do actually

Infinite : God, he just lost his tutorial how to control you

Metal : He's IQ 300 remember?

Infinite : *chuckle* 300 IQ? Wow, he's so smart

Metal : *chuckle* I know right?

   Metal grab his diary and run away with Infinite. He's officially quitting the empire. Metal turn his eye oval into happy eyes. Infinite look at him. He's cute when he's not deadly (NOT SEXUALLY). They then stop in a place that had so much huge pillars. It has a uniqu symbols in every pillar.

Infinite : I think we run away tooo far

Metal : It's not far actually, but heh, it's still counted far

Infinite : What is these place? Why does it has somany pillar?

Metal : I just scan the location... sorry what are you asking again?

Infinite : Look at the pillar in front of you, dosen't it seems diferent and um?

Metal : I never seen these before, what even is these language?

Infinite : Really?

Metal : It... Feels... Noticeable

Infinite : I don't understand what are you saying

Metal : Wanna rest here? It's getting late

Infinite : My leggs hurt, let's sleep here for a night. What can possibly go  wrong?

Metal : Okay then

   They Rest beside the biggest pilar. Suddenly, the symbols on the biggest pillar began to glow. It has light blue colour that was blinking.

"You, You bastard!"—

"What can you do with that?"—


"Try if  you can"—


"Heh, your not as strong as Sonic I see..."—

"N-No... I can't... I can't lose..."—

"Farewell hedgehog, your gonna love these!"—

   Metal woke up in a harsh. He was shock what he's dream telling about. Metal look at his screen. It's 3AM. Infinite is still asleep. Metal look at the pillar. The pillar stop glowing. It feels like the pillar wanted to tell something to Metal. Metal look at the symbols. He scan and try to read it.

"The fate can be change. The fate can changes the future. Only Lord Cronix can gives your fate. But, one mistake can damage the future."

   Metal was confuse by that word. 'Future? Lord Cronix? Fate? What is that!?'. Metal sit and try to think. He take his diary and write his dream. He then figure out shomething that makes him shock...

Until here first yaw ~
Sayonara and Goodbye ~

☆ Welcome to the shining night ☆

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