Not so super plan

Start from the beginning

"Fine! I, Hermes god of merchants, thieves, oratory, and messenger of the gods, swear on the river Styx not to utter a single word about this until you allow me to." His words seemed to be forced out. "Now, what are you really up to?"

Taking a deep breath, I looked around again to make sure no one was listening and began to tell him my plan.




"So explain to me why we are here again?" A rather annoying god asked behind me not trying to keep quiet at all.

Rolling my eyes I answered his question the the billionth of times these past few hours. "I'm going to let my friend know that I need them to take care of A.J. for a bit more until I can come back for her."

The cool breeze of the nearby beach made me thank myself for wearing my winter uniform. I wouldn't want to imagine how cold I would've been with my thin dress and sandals.

"You're going to leave her here?" He asked sounding doubtful. "Don't you thinkmit'll be safer at Olympus? Or at your father's palace were there's hundred's of fish men to protect her?"

"First of all, I trust Jacob. He wouldn't do anything to harm her, and I'm sure he won't let anything happen to her. And second of all, they are called mermen for your information. And I can't just leave her with Triton, last time I saw him he was at camp pretending to be a Demi-god so I don't know if he is back yet. Plus, last time Triton took care of a baby he ended up losing him and Percy some how ended up swimming in one of Amphritie's fountians."

Stopping outside the house I knocked on the door a few times. A few minutes passed and nothing happened so I knocked again - a bit harder this time. Finally, a sleepy looking Jacob opens the door.

"Good morning sleepy! I have news for you. But first where's my cuite pie?" I asked, pushing the door open even more and letting me in. I made my way to the living room where a sleeping A.J. was snoring softly. "Aw, hey honey. Momma's here." I whispered, picking her up gently and cradling her in my arms.

"Do you know what time it is?" A annoyed looking Jacob asked coming into the room with Hermes at his heels.

"6:39 a.m. Eastern time. Making that roughly around 4:39 a.m. here in western time." Hermes answered standing next to me while looking at A.J..

Jacob looked even more annoyed when Hermes answered, I had a feeling he didnt actually want to know the time.

"Beth...are yous her about this? I was not sure before, but now I am really against the idea of leaving her here. He's a wolf shifter! You know that they have a bad temper." Hermes scolded me. "You are putting A.J. At risk by having her be in the same room as one if them."

"I would'nt hurt her!" Jacob looked enraged that Hermes would think such a thing.

"Maybe, but it's better to be safe than sorry." Hermes taunted knowing that he was pushing a button.

"Enough." I said, feeling A.J. stir in my arms. "My desition is final, unless that is that Kacob doesn't want to spend a few more days with her!" I asked my eyebrows raised.

"No! No, I'll take care of her." Jacob exclaimed. Smiling down at A.J. becuase of Jacob's boyish actions I was reminded that I'd only have her a few more decades before she moves on with Jake. And in godly time that is like a few weeks compared to human time.

"Okay." I laughed, "But it's on you if anything happens to her." I continued with all the playfulness drained out of my voice. I was serious. If anything happened to A.J. it would be Jake's head that would pay.

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