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Previously on 'Last Battle'

"That's because she isn't like any other demi-god" I explained sitting up, now that Hermes had finished stitching me up. "She doesn't have an ounce of mortal blood in her"

"She's a born goddess then?" Lera asked, pulling A.J. on her lap. It made me smile that they were acting like sister's already.

"Kind of like that" I nodded, and then turned to Hermes.

"Thanks. Do you think you have enough time to arrange a counsel meeting in about fifteen minutes?"

"Well I have to deliver this package to Hebe right away and this letter to Demeter in five minutes. But aside from that I think I'll make it" he nodded, before disappearing.

Then I turned to Artemis and Aphrodite. "Care to explain why you A.J. was let loose in a Olympian estate that contains I don't know how many flying shoes?"

"It's not like we meant to do it... it's just that she..." Artemis trailed off. Aphro didn't even try to answer instead she was circling Lera like a hawk.

"Never mind, we have much to do anyway" I rolled my eyes, getting off of the coffee table and bending down to pick up A.J.. "Explain everything as we're on our way" I said as I left them and headed out the door. "Ready to go home?" I asked Lera.

She took a deep breath and nodded, "Ready"

Maggie P.O.V

"Hey, can you pass me the jelly?" Percy asked reaching his hand out in the direction of the jar of strawberry jelly. Taking another bite out of my French toast I nodded, while handing it to him.

"So... do you remember anything yet?" I asked. It had been almost three day's since Lord Triton had found us. Since then we were taken to Mt. Olympus to tell the gods about our experiences. I was really nervous since it was going to be the first time I would actually see a real living Olympian.

Percy say's that it's not big deal, that all I have to do is be respectful and bow when I enter and leave the throne room. He gave me a whole lesson on how to act, talk, and present myself when we went to talk to the Olympians. He took it all as if it were a walk in the park!

Nothing was really exciting once inside. They mostly questioned Percy and when they asked me a few questions, Percy was quick to cover for me. Now we're just waiting to see if they can come up with a cure for Percy's slight amnesia. They've tried so many test on him that I'm beginning to call him a lab rat.

What's worse is that he has migraines all day from trying so hard to remember. And that doesn't make his mood any better either.

Right now we were in a dinning room, eating away at our delicious breakfast. They were a few guards at the door -they said that it was for our safety, but I think its more about keeping us from running away. The table in which the food was placed upon was massive. I think it was bigger than the king sized bed that I slept on staying here.

So far my mother hasn't even spared me a single glance, it was as if I were Medusa and were planning to turn her into stone! When ever the gods came over and tried to 'fix' Percy she would completely ignore me.

I've heard from Annabeth that our mother gave her gifts and has actually held a conversation with her. She even said that our mother aids her when she needs it the most, in either advise or help.

"Your unusually quiet today" Percy managed to say with his mouth filled with food.

Shrugging I attacked my toast once again. I didn't really want to talk about my problems. He wouldn't understand, his godly parent had always watched after him.

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