The Payment

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  • Dedicata a To Everyone who followed Beth's journey :)

Previously on 'last chance'

" oh Bella, I'd tell you I've missed you but I couldn't remember you!" Esme joked, pulling me into a hug. "Come in! Come in!"

"Everyone! Guess who's here! Never-mind, you don't remember." She laughed, her eyes getting a bit teary with tears that would never be able to shed again.

Even though that didn't remember me, everyone came down. After everyone came down I lifted their curse too -expect for those who already remembered everything. We then caught up, and joked around. Rosalie even seemed to open up, especially after I let her play with A.J.. Carlisle was back to asking me questions about the gods, Emmett cracking jokes, Jasper asking about war strategies, Alice complaining that we should go shopping, and Esme asking me how I liked how she redecorated the furniture. All while I sat in the love couch with Edward's arms wrapped around me.

It all felt like a prefect dream. A dream that I never wanted to leave. But that dreamed crashed when I received a thought by Lera, We got Annabeth. Come back to camp so we can finish this. Lord Zeus said that I was relieved of my punishment and could go home, should come back. And fast. There's some news you're not going to like.


Beth's P.O.V

Walking into the the dungeon of the Big House, I saw that Annabeth was once again locked in a prizon cell. But instead of raving like she was the last time, she was peacefully asleep, laying on the small bunk at the far end. The only other person in the room was Lera, who was bend over a small table that must've been brought down eariler.

"Is everything else ready?" I asked, stepping next to Lera -who i now found out was mixing ingredients in an ancient mortar and pestle.

With out looking up, she grunted, "Yea, I just need to - never mind it's finished!" She sighed in relief and carefully emptied the substances into a small flask. "All we need to do is give it to Annabeth."

"Did you make sure you extracted all the flower's juice?" I asked, I had transported the flower before I had arrived so she would get a head start instead of having to wait while I said goodbye to the Cullen's.

"Every single drop of it. Mixed the gorgons blood and blessed water too, just as it says." She pointed to a large rather dusty looking book which kept all of the medical secrets. Hermes renewed it every year, but the newer versions had long excluded this type of old tricks and cures.

"And ta-da!" She exclaimed, "it's ready for use!"

Ancient methods required to open the skull area and pour the liquid in, but with improvements to medical research we know now that injecting the liquid into a main blood vessel works too.

"Do you want to do the favor?" She asked, tapping the needle to make sure it worked correctly.

"No, you can do it. I need to find out what the others want." I shook my head, already walking away. "Just remember to let her rest after, and don't let any one else in." I reminded her.

Lera visibly tensed at my words, but I ignored it and materialized my self in the council room. I don't remember a single time in all my existence, that i had walking in and found the room this still with everyone gathered here. For several moments no one moved, spoke, or even moved their glance. It was as if they were all statues, sitting perfectly on their thrones made of precious metal - or in Ares' case, valuable skulls.

Finally after what felt as eternity, Apollo spoke. His voice wavered slightly and he avoided looking at me at all cost. "Ezabeth-"gods, he called me Ezabeth! Shit is about to hit the fan, I know that already... "I, Apollo of Mount Olympus, son of Zeus herby claim your debt.

"To repay your it, I declare that you must never speak or have contact with the Cullen clan nor will you be able to I interact with any of the Greek Demi-god or visit Camp Half-Blood in this century. All the Demi-gods' memories of you will be masked, and shall not have any contact what so ever with Anehta Josephina Areh of Mount Olympus until she is of age, she will be left in the care of the Cullen's until then. That is my price."

I was no longer able to stand, and fell on my knees! "Cousin, I beg of you! Take mercy on me, and do not let me suffer through all that!" I begged him, something I had never anyone. I wouldn't be there to teach A.J. how to ride a bike, wield a sword, kill her first monster -even though she technically already did, or consult her about her first crush! I wouldn't be able to tuck her every night, and give her a kiss, or read her one of those bedtime stores she likes so much.

"I shall me merciful, and allow you one last brief visit to-" I didn't hear him out. I disappeared from the room as soon as i heard the first part of his sentence. One last last time to kiss, hug, and tell her how munched I loved her until her eighteenth birthday.

Pounding of the Cullen's door, I refused to let A.J have the last memories of me sobbing my heart out.

"Bella?" Carlisle opened the door. "We weren't expecting you so soon."

Pushing past him o made my way up the stairs where I had last seen A.J playing dolls with Rosalie. Just as I reached the final step, i saw Rosalie cling the door gently behind her.

"Is she in there?" I asked, opening the door anyway.

"Yes, but Shh! She's sleeping." Rosalie hushed me, throwing me a suspicious glare. "What-"

"Leave us." I cut her off, "I need sometime alone with her."

Even though it didn't seem like she was happy with my order, she left anyway. Casting a charm on the walls I made them sound proof.

Kneeling besides A.J. sleeping form I couldn't help the tears that fell.

"Sleep well my darling. Don't ever forget that I love you. Mommy will always be watching over you, my little star. I wish thing didn't turn the way they did. Goodbye sweetie, I love you."

I brushed her hair away from her forehead, and for the last time in eighteen years I kissed her forehead. Then, I reached up to my neck and unclasped the invisible sun necklace that Apollo had given to me when I had first gin to camp. I left it on the bedside table besides her.

"Even though you won't see me, doesn't mean that I won't be there." I whispered, slowley walking towards the door. I would of gone down to the living room where I was sure that the Cullen's were, but I felt that I was running out of time, so instead I wrote a letter rapidly. Singing it at the end I left it on the drawer next to the door. And left.


Yes, this is THE last chapter of 'Last Chance's sequel 'Last Battle'. But fear not, I will upload the epilogue in a few days, and I promise -hopefully- it will be longer than this.

I would say my last good-bye's....but I rather make it in the epilogue. But... It's more like a 'Until we meet again...' :)

And before I forget....HAPPY VALENTINE'S EVERYONE!

Last Battle: A Last Chance SequelDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora