Natsuki felt her heart ache. "Come over," she said, gently taking Yuri's arm and leading her into her own window. They made their way to the bed. Only minutes later, Natsuki had her arms wrapped safely around the smaller girl.

Natsuki shivered, looking down at her arms, where she used to hold the purple haired girl close.

"Natsuki," Yuri said, sobbing. "They're divorcing..."

Natsuki dried Yuri's tears with the pads of her thumbs. She had always thought of Yuri as a bit of crybaby. But this time, Natsuki was fully aware that Yuri needed her most. And she would absolutely despise herself if she wasn't there for her.

Natsuki sighed. She had felt so lucky back then. Her parents were so happily married. Papa used to be the best papa in the world. So sweet and caring. 

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Nakamura. We did all we could..."

"No!" Papa had screamed. "Please, there must be something you can do!"

"I'm sorry, but we have done all that is physically possible. We informed you that she might not wake up from the coma. She had a total organ failure." The doctor placed an empathetic hand on his shoulder. The doctor then slipped out of the room as her name echoed through the halls of the hospital.

Natsuki was in the waiting room making a tower with blocks. Unaware that her mother had died. Unaware that from that day on, Papa would never be the same. Papa would become the cruel person you read about in the story books. The person that Natsuki never thought her father could become. 

Papa had fallen to his knees and cried.

"Papa, look at what I-" Natsuki trailed off, kneeling beside her papa.

He pulled her close and cried. Between sobs, he explained. "Natsuki, your mama...she's...gone."

She began to cry too, not knowing that that would be the last time her papa touched her in a non-violent manner.

She felt so alone suddenly. She had friends now, but remembering back then, when she never felt lonely... It was painful.

"I can't believe I have to leave you," Yuri sobbed.

Natsuki put her arm around her best friend. "It's okay, shortcake. We'll see each other again, right?"

"I hope so," Yuri said, wiping her tears. "Please try to make sure your papa stays in touch with my mama."

"I will try. I promise."

Natsuki sighed and began to get dressed for another day of school. She carefully slipped on her uniform.

She brushed the wrinkles from her skirt and began to run her fingers through her hair. Maybe today would be a good day.



Are you ready, slowpoke?

What do you mean, "slowpoke"?

You're the one who's always late

But today, you're the late one!!! I'm waiting for you at the end of the street, okay?

Okay okay


She rushed from the house. Luckily, papa was already at work. She saw Sayori's figure at the end of the street.

"You cut your hair?" Natsuki gasped.

"Yep!" Sayori beamed. Her facial expression became worried. "Do you like it?"

"Yeah, it suits you," Natsuki assured her.

Sayori cheered and practically dragged her to school.



Natsuki sat down in the courtyard, reading her manga and sipping on some iced water. Suddenly, she felt something cold run down her back.

She turned around and saw her friend Okaku Aoi grinning with a now empty cup in her hand. She looked down, ice was everywhere.

"Aoi!" she squealed, giggling. "You're going to regret that!" She clutched her cup of water and threw it at Aoi. Her friend dodged just in time, and the cup splattered all over another girl.

The girl stood up quickly, startled. Her nose had been buried in a thick book that was now covered in water. Her uniform adhered to the curves of her body where the cold water had met the fabric. Her hair stuck to the sides of her face, reaching a deeper color of purple than when it was dry.

The girl had purple hair with purple hair slides that held it away from her face. She was a towering height with long, slender legs.

She shook her arms to get some of the water out, but she was completely soaked.

"U-Um..." she stuttered.

Suddenly, a girl with brown hair was standing in front of the purple haired girl.

"What did you do?" she demanded.

"I-I swear I didn't me–" The brunette cut off Natsuki's voice.

"You're going to regret that. We just moved here, and I won't tolerate anybody bullying my sister," the brunette snarled.

"W-What?" Natsuki gasped.

Before Natsuki could even blink, the two were gone.



"Are you okay, Yuri?" the brunette asked now that they were alone in the bathroom.

"Yeah, I am alright. It is just really cold," the purple haired girl, Yuri, shivered. "Do not worry, Monika."

The brunette, Monika, nodded. "Do you need to call Mom or Dad to bring an extra uniform?"

Yuri shook her head. "I do not think so. I am sure the office will have some extras until mine dries."

"Okay, let's go," Monika said, taking Yuri's hand again. She pulled her to the office.

Images of the pink haired girl that threw water at her popped up in her head. Something felt familiar about her. She shook it off and gratefully accepted the uniform from the front desk.

She disappeared into a stall as Monika waited outside. "Huh, Monika?"


"I'm too tall for the uniform."



"Okay, class," the teacher addressed her pupils. "Please pay attention. We have a new student in advanced English today. She just moved from another division. Please welcome Yuri!"

The purple haired girl from earlier caught Natsuki's attention.

Everything seemed so familiar. Yet, everything was different.


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