"I want to stay in Kamome for a day after we pay him a visit." Y/N said. "I'm sure Hanako would let me stay to discuss Tsukasa... and our memory, hopefully - more briefly. Mitsuba, the 7 Wonders of Sukora are all accustomed to your presence; you can take care of them for a while, right?"

Mitsuba nearly stumbled back, voice raising."Me?!"

"I trust you too, Mitsuba." Y/N smiled brightly.

He would've been grateful, if it didn't mean that Y/N would be leaving him yet again. Why was she keeping so many things? What did he not have that Hanako did? He felt a familiar surge of not wanting to be forgotten; it gave him a weird feeling of deja vu. Had he felt that way before? Had he wished for it?

These impending thoughts he tried to put in one, pained sentence:

"Why can't you stay in Sukora? People will miss you!"

"What people?"

Mitsuba flushed red, wondering how to say "me" without sounding like a sappy idiot.

"I... well..."

"That's right." Y/N nodded. "No one. Everybody in Sukora thinks I was a terrible replacement for the old Aka Manto. If I've got to prove myself  by revealing Tsukasa's true identity, maybe that'll change."

Mitsuba perked up at those words. Tsukasa's true identity? Now that  was something he wanted to see.

"He's hiding something from us." He agreed.

"And if he won't say the truth, we'll find out for ourselves."

Mitsuba glanced at his friend in a mixture of admiration and fear. How can she be so confident against the likes of Tsukasa? Sometimes it would make him feel overwhelmingly inferior.

Holding her hand to calm his shakiness with plunging to the unknown yet again, Mitsuba slowly followed Y/N to the split in the air. She noticed his trembling, then smiled goodnaturely.

"Don't be afraid." She gave him a friendly nudge.  "I'll make sure we stick together!"

"You better."


Of all the things that could bring her memory back, Hanako never knew he would have to resort to his past. Like any other's, it was a very personal thing; only difference was that it was dark, tainted with blood and violence, and not something he would want Y/N to see.

"Number four." 

Shijima slammed shut a sketchbook, whirling around in surprise."

"Honorable No. 7!" She pushed her glasses to the bridge of her nose, clearing her throat. "What trouble have I stirred for you to pay a visit?"

"It's not that." Hanako waved dismissively, approaching her where she sat. Shijima let out a little sigh of relief and opened her sketchbook a crack. He stole a glance at the pages, and nearly doubled over laughing.

"Are you drawing cuddling positions?"

"Don't stick your nose in my business." Shijima furtively placed down her sketchbook on the desk; how she found space, Hanako had no clue. It was littered with paint bottles of midnight shades, thousands of brushes, and two extra canvases.

"I'm practicing couple poses out of boredom-" Hanako tilted his head, clearly not believing it. He didn't press the point as Shijima shot him a glare. "- a big deal of my sketchbook is not for the public eye and... anyway! Back to the topic at hand?

"Can you do a painting for me?"

Her narrow, hostile eyes grew wide.

"Huh." She was startled by how teasing the toilet ghost had just been; suddenly, he looked deathly grim. "You look really serious about it too. What's the deal?"

[Who Dies] T-B Hanako-kun x ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum