Chapter 16

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-3rd POV-

Shoto turned around and was surprised to see his brother Natsuo. "Oh... It's nothing, I just realized that I'm in love with someone." Natsuo dramatically gasped before pulling his younger brother closer, giving him a noogie. "Shooooootttoooo!!!! I can't believe that I'll be seeing you fall in love!!! Do I know this girl? Wait.... Does the old fart know?" Shoto shook his head silently as he let his brother mess his hair. "It's probably for the best for now. He'll interfere if he finds out." Natsuo grumbled, leading his younger brother back home. "Did Fuyumi asked you to visit?" the older Todoroki nodded and chatted with his younger sibling more. He never got to have a chat with him like this with Endeavor around anyways, so it was refreshing to him to finally be able to speak with his younger sibling properly.

As they got home, they were greeted by their sister Fuyumi. She held a nervous look, silently telling her brothers that something was up.

They all came to the living room, they could hear the current news. "This just in! At the northern borders of Osaka, a group that calls themselves the 'Lotus Organization' were terrorizing malls and several other public places." the news continued and all three siblings watched intently. Although the said group kept on mentioning Nightingale while still terrorizing the people. Shoto kept a stoic face but inside he felt like chuckling. He understands where this all was going. So he tuned out most of the news report and started thinking of ways to get in contact with Izumi after her escape.

"You must be Nightingale! How do you do? My name is Mr. Compress" the aforementioned Nightingale giggled and did a curtsy, "Hello! Nice to meet you!" "Quit messing around and let's get out of this joint!" Dabi yelled after cremating the surrounding police cars.

"Tomura-kun!!! I'm back!!!" Izumi happily greeted and in a blink of an eye, dodged the knife coming for her. Looking up, she saw Shigaraki smiling eerily. "Welcome back Nightingale~" at this Izumi's gaze became colder. Before anyone could move another inch, Izumi was already holding 'Shigaraki' in a chokehold. "Tomura-kun wouldn't welcome me like that you know....  Who are you?" even though Izumi was smiling, her gaze was ice cold. Twice shivered and Dabi could only sigh. 'Great... Another one..' Izumi tightened her hold but before she could snap the imposter's neck, a voice she oh so missed stopped her. "We still need that psycho Izumi... Come're..." said girl perked up and skipped her way to the 'real' Shigaraki, while the imposter melted, revealing a naked Himiko Toga. Izumi quickly covered Shigaraki's eyes as she glared at the offending female. "Hey it's not like--" Shigaraki wasn't able to finish his sentence due to Izumi's eerie stare. "Oya? Are you implying something Tomura-kun?" everyone was silent as they watched the weird couple.

-Tomura's POV-

After our little reunion, I introduced her to the nutcases. "Hmhm! Nice to meet all of you! I'm Midoriya Izumi, but you can call me Nightingale.  Hope we can all get along" Musclehead scoffed and eyed my girl from head to toe like a predetor. I glared at him as I pulled Izumi to my lap, 'fuck off bastard! She's mine...' Izumi snuggled closer to me, before we discussed our plans for the upcoming attack.

"You won't be able to do much in recruiting Bakugou... But! UA will get a good amount of damage to their ego!" Izumi stated, I hummed and leaned back on the couch. "We'll still do it then. But Izumi..." she looked at me curiously before I continued. "You're not going to be a part of the operation. Sensei wants you with him when we have captured Bakugou." she hummed and nodded her head. "Ah... that reminds me... do you think we still have something we could use that traitor for?" the psycho girl giggled, "Can I stab 'em? Can I Can I?!" I clicked my tongue, irritated by her sheer enthusiasm. "No, but we can take him as a sacrifice!" I sighed, "Look... I don't mind recruiting more idiots but--" "Don't worry Tomura-kun! I have a plan that if we play our cards well, we'll definitely have an advantage against those heroes. kufufu" I hummed and pet Izumi's head, "Ah... That reminds me... You're coming with me" I hauled Izumi on my shoulder and started my trek back to my room. I heard Kurogiri sigh started talking to the nutcases, probably about the plan but right now I have something to do.

The moment I got to my room and locked it before throwing Izumi on the bed. "Kya! Tomura-kun~ what was that for? I--" Before she could say anything else I pinned her down and placed four fingers on her neck. "You have a lot of explaining to do" she smiled touched the hand that held her neck, "Sorry Tomura-kun... I had to be captured in order for me to infiltrate UA from the inside.... Sensei said not to tell you." I clicked my tongue and released her from my grip, before sighing and laying on the bed beside her. "So, tell me... What do we do with that traitor you 'apparently' hooked up with?" She pouted and adjusted her position so her head was resting on my arm. "I didn't 'hook up' with anyone. I just used the tricks Kurogiri and Mr. G taught me! Besides, Tomura-kun will always be my man~" I flicked her forehead after she said those words "ow! Wha-" "I'll be your only man. Remember that Izumi... I'm the only guy for you" I cut her off and laid my free arm over my eyes wanting to get some shut eye.

-3rd POV-

As the two villain lovers disappeared, Himiko Toga grinned and gushed at how 'cute' Tomura and Izumi were being. While the others namely Dabi, Kurogiri, and Muscular did not comment or give any reactions to her gushing. "Since we still have a lot of time before we do the plan, I'm going to visit a certain somebody." Dabi said as he stood from his spot but just before he went out Kurogiri reminded him the importance of their plans. The aforementioned lad shrugged his shoulders and went out of the bar.

I AM SO SORRY for not updating for so long! I have been lost as to what Im gonna do with the story cause of how the manga is progressing, but I decided that I would one way or another stray from the anime itself ... Im still lost tbh but I will be updating... Slowly.... Anyways! Hope you liked this chapter so far.... Im going to reread this book so I remember what I freaking did with Izumi 😅 Also to those who are wondering who Mr. G is.... Its none other than!!! GIRAN!! Anyways stay safe during these times people! I love you guys and again stay safe out there wherever you are!

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