I exit the room and meet Roman. He gives me a lazy smile as I hug him. "Hey" he ruffles my hair and smirks when I scowl at him.

Roman is the fun type of guy, he's a player, and really cute in away that you just want to cuddle with him. He puts his arm around me and we walk off to homeroom.

After homeroom we have a free period, so we headed out to the parking lot.I meet up with Raven, Axel, Amber, Ryder and a couple of other people. "Look, who came" Ryder said.

"Shut up" I say and grab a cigarette from him. He protests. Raven takes the cigarette and drops it in a trash can.

"What?" she shrugs and pulls me aside. She looks anxious "Brett" she said.

Shit. Brett fucking Flynn.

Brett was Raven's first crush, he was perfect, he had the good looks, he was polite, he knew how to treat a girl. Raven was practically head over heels in love with him. They dated for a month and were voted best couple in junior high when they decided to 'take it to the next level' if you know what I mean.

After that, Brett dumped her. Turns out that he was using her to win a bet. I was so pissed but Raven made me swear not to hurt him. So I bought about five raw fish, hid them under the car seats and inside the car engine, I punctured all his tyres and spray painted dicks all over his expensive Range Rover. I spent a night in jail, but it was worth it.

After all the humiliation we caused him, he moved to another state and never came back, until now.

Brett Flynn is back.

Raven was holding on to my arm "Please, please, please don't do anything Blair". I realized I was clenching my fist. I relaxed my shoulders. "Raven, if he hurts you again, I. Will. Castrate. Him " I said with a note of finality. Raven didn't argue.

"So what is he doing here?" I asked, "He transferred back" Raven said.

Arghh...one more dickhead to deal with, I mentally rolled my eyes. I put my arm around Raven's shoulders and we head off to the cafeteria.

I grab my packed lunch and sat at my usual table, the "popular table". I look at Raven making out with some random jock. She hasn't been like this, she doesn't usually just make out with random people, that's usually my kind of thing, not hers.

An arm snakes around my waist and I look up to see Roman, "Hey, are you okay?" he asks. I smile and nod and Roman looks at me with a raised eyebrow. I hug him and ruffle his hair. I dump my lunch in the bin and head off to my locker, leaving the others at lunch.

I hear cheering near my locker and I quicken my steps. I turn the corner to see the nerd Axel and I had roughed up earlier, slammed against his locker, papers and books were strewn all over the place. Three jocks were beating him up while a crowd cheered on. I hate it when some people run over other people just because they think they own the world.

Anger boils in me

The crowd shifts and clears the way as I pass through. The jocks are too caught up in the moment to notice me. The crowd is now dead quiet, some people taking out their phones. The third jock notices me, he moves aside and runs off. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I ask in a slow menacing voice. They drop the nerd as they turn to focus on me. Jock#2 bends down to my level.

"Now listen sweetheart..." I cut him off with a kick to his jaw with a sickening crunch when my foot connects. Perfect. Before he recovers, I punch his nose and smirk at his squashed face. I face Jock#1, before he can do anything, I kick him where the sun does not shine and he goes down, clutching his jewels. I stare at the pathetic 'men' writhing on the floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2020 ⏰

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