Chapter 3

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Finally, Jiwon reached the top of the stairs. She then proceeded to the window, climbed on its sill, threw the half-empty milk bottle up, and held on tightly to the end of the roof's intricate designs.

(Seemed like complex designs can be functional . . . on strange times.)

She felt shivers run down her arms once she was standing on the sill. The winds seemed strong enough to blow her away.

Grunting, she hoisted herself up — almost losing her footing, but thank goodness she strengthened her grip right away — until she safely reached the roof.

"Bloody dragons!"

It — he — screeched again.

"Strawberry!" She yelled. "Calm down!"

He didn't notice her, but he wrapped his long, dragon body on the flag pole, and hid his face towards himself.

"STRAWBERRY!" Jiwon yelled louder. "Do not get scared!"

She carefully but quickly crossed the distance between the castle roof and the tower roof, and when she reached him, she carefully tapped him.

He screeched again.

"Don't worry! It's me, just me."

He peeked one eye to look at her (he had beautiful, shining eyes) and slowly showed his head.

"I brought milk." She raised the bottle. "It's almost empty now."

Slowly, the dragon moved its tail. Jiwon stepped back.

"No. You are not bringing me back to the roof!"

He seemed to have lost interest and hid his face again.

Maybe she needed a different approach. . .

"Sorry for yelling at you," she said as softly as she can. "I don't mean to make you upset."

He didn't answer.

"I will help you go back to Wonderland. Is that okay with you?"

Suddenly, he hissed.

Jiwon was surprised. That was a new one.

"Are you okay back there?!" She heard the Princess' adorable voice. "Miss..?"

"Yes, your royal highness! I'm fine!" Jiwon yelled back. Then she looked at the now-stubborn dragon in front of her.

"Don't you want to come down?"

He made a weird sound, like his throat was vibrating.

"Right. You might get hurt. Um. . . how about we talk?"

The dragon lifted his head up and stared at her intently.

Jiwon smiled as gently as she could. "I will not be rude this time."

He just stared.

Sighing, Jiwon stood up. But she was immediately stopped by the dragon — who blocked her path with his tail and roared in protest — so she just sat back down.

"Okay. Here I am. What was the problem and how do you want me to help?"

No answer.

"Strawberry, I cannot help you if you do not give me answers."

He purred. Purred?! Like some kitten. This dragon is real odd.

"What are you saying?"

He pointed his snout towards the. . . open air. Does that symbolize Wonderland or something?

No, wait. He pointed down below. Why did he point down below?

Or was it the open air? What?

Jiwon gave him a look that hopefully showed her authority and annoyance. Suddenly, the dragon twirled and was not wrapped in the flagpole of the tower anymore. He elegantly sat down, letting his tail sway on one side of the tower, while he directly faced Jiwon.

"Can you turn back to human?"

The dragon looked at himself curiously, then back at Jiwon, before shaking his head. Then, with his strawberry-colored hand, he motioned towards the Hush Forest, where they both first met, and to Jiwon's. . . clothes.

"Oh. I understand. Do you want me to go get them?"

He shook his head.

And that was what brought her to one of the longest hours of her life. She could have taken the place of the Bard! However, without the rhymes and all.

"Are you alright?" Jiwon asks in a soft voice. Minutes earlier, she had figured out through several bloody gestures that the dragon was afraid of both people and heights.

The Strawberry dragon flinches in his position. She doesn't move.

"You got the morbs?"

The Strawberry dragon crouches in front of her, as if sorry or something, but Jiwon takes it as an expression of being intimidated or being shy.

"It's okay. You don't have to be afraid."

The Strawberry dragon whimpers. My goodness!

"A bloody hour has passed by now," she says through gritted teeth, voice a bit strained. "You're not my only priority~"

The dragon nodded.

Suddenly, Jiwon had an idea. After a bloody hour.

"Do you mind if I just hop on your back so I can accompany you?"

The dragon excitedly rised up. But he then looked back down and noticed the villagers crowded around. Again. This time, it was more than when Jiwon first stepped out.

But still not many, compared to usual.

"I will tell them not to hurt you. Is that okay?"

The dragon roared happily.

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