And with that, his negative mood instantly disappears. He happily swings his arm over her shoulders and grins excessively, "Aww, Hanseol. You're the best."

"I know." Han chuckles, oblivious to the hidden sad smile behind Jisung's grin.


Han watches her soulmate munch the cake in front of her. It has been the fourth slice and still ongoing.

"Are you sure you're gonna be fine?" Jisung talks in between his munches. Han nods, "Yeah. Chan can send me home later anyway."

"Why are you meeting him, to begin with?"

"Eh..." Han scratches her nape, feeling awkward again. "I need help with something."

"Oh? Is there something going on?" Jisung stops eating and stares at her with concern. "If there's anything I can do, please don't hesitate to tell me. I want to try my best to make you as comfortable as possible!"

This is why sometimes Han hates Jisung's kind nature. She feels like she has been backstabbing him for having thoughts about Hyunjin sometimes, while he's willing to help her out with any difficulties that she has.

This is bad. Han gulps, and unluckily, is noticed by Jisung.

"So there's indeed something going on?" His tone sounds very worried.

There's no way she would tell him about her concern on Hyunjin—especially not after he shows so much attention on her.

"It's okay, you know? Whatever is going through your life, I want to try and help as much as I can. I'm your soulmate after all." Jisung puts on an eye smile.


If Jisung says it's okay, then it should be okay...right? She contemplates in her mind and observes her soulmate carefully. He's still staring at her with all the care and concern, which makes her feel extremely bad.

Maybe he'll understand... Han takes a deep breath, ready to tell Jisung even if she knows that he'll get hurt.

"Well, I have been thinking about this particular person in my mind this lately." She starts, and Jisung tilts his head. "Who?"

Before she can continue, that particular person pops up just next to the both of them, smiling softly and greets, "Hey, Han(s)."

Han flinches at his voice—the one that she hasn't been hearing for the past few days. She slowly looks at him, and finds him smiling at her.

"Oh? Hyun! Are you here to have dinner too?" Jisung brightly returns his greeting with a brotherly hug.

"Ah no, I'm just here for takeaway." He replies, and looks at Han with a shy smile, "I haven't seen you in ages."

"A-Ages?! It has only been days." Jisung laughs at Hyunjin's words, but stops when he finds his soulmate distracted by the arrival of his best friend. Her eyes seem lost in between the stares that are exchanged between Hyunjin and her.

So that's how it is... Jisung chuckles bitterly at himself and gets up from the seat, grabbing the attention of the both of them.

"Ahh, my mom's gonna get angry for not coming home on time for dinner." He stretches his body and pats Hyunjin's shoulder without saying anything, confusing the male.

Hyunjin stares at him weirdly, as Jisung leaves for the counter to pay for the bills. Han was about to stop him, but her legs didn't help. She's still frozen, after meeting the person that she has longed for.

Jisung then directly heads for the doors, instead of walking back to where the two are at.

"Good luck, Han! You better spill the tea later!"

Han doesn't have any time to respond, and Jisung waves at her with a huge, yet pained smile, before leaving the restaurant. She watches the figure walk further from the building, his hands inside his pockets while he looks down at the ground.

No... She nearly finds herself crying again. Even without her, explicitly telling him what has been in her mind, Jisung could already tell very instantly—being a capable soulmate he is.

"Are you okay...?" Hyunjin plops down in front of her, watching the pained expression on her face. Han nods lightly and looks up to face Hyunjin properly.

She smiles sadly.

"How have you been?" She starts, and Hyunjin sighs. "I've been busy with school, I guess."

"Oh...I hope you're not too pressured though."

Hyunjin smiles at her before shooting her the most unexpected question ever.

"Are you guys dating?"

Han blinks.

"I-I mean, are you and Jisung a couple?" He asks carefully, hoping that he doesn't offend her. Han is definitely caught off guard, but hurriedly shakes her head. "N-No! We're just best friends." She replies, but her heart hurts when she said that. Why is she trying to deny it so bad?

"I see. I thought it was something more." Hyunjin sounds embarrassed, ruffling his hair after the confirmation.

Why do you look relieved, Hyunjin...? She frowns.

"I'm sorry for asking a weird question." He apologizes instantly, "I'm just curious."

"Don't worry about it." She waves her hands to dismiss it, then proceeds to link her hands together under the table, feeling awkward. It's true that she might have had some form of attraction remaining deep in her heart for Hyunjin, but she knows that she shouldn't feel this way.

Especially not when she knows that he isn't the one for her.

"By the way, we haven't exchanged contacts." Hyunjin takes out his phone, "Do you mind?"

"O-Of course not!" Though flustered, Han proceeds with the exchange and names the new contact 'Hyun' on her phone. What she doesn't know, however, the fact that Hyunjin names her 'Han', but with a small happy emoticon next to it.

"Great." Hyunjin locks his phone, "I can't wait to text you tonight."

Han bites her lips at his words. Just why is he making moves so boldly now when she's clearly tied onto someone else?


The girl doesn't know what to respond, given that her head is being clouded with many other thoughts. It gets Hyunjin worried, but Han finally takes a huge breath after the short silence, before sadly glancing at him.

"Hyun, I'm sorry that I lied."

Hyunjin raises his brows, waiting for her to explain herself further.

"I'm dating Jisung."



Did you guys see that coming? I didn't intend to put so much drama in this story since I first wanted it to be a light romcom... BUT NO my inner satanic self is taking over me lololol

Then again, without the tea, I don't think the story would go this far ^^; sooooo HAHAHA I'M SORRY IF I HAPPEN TO HURT SOME OF Y'ALL'S FEELINGS(?)

Have a great day everyone and remember to stay safe and healthy! :D :D :D 


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