"You sure about this, Scott?" Steve asked.

"I do it all the time." Lang answered simply. "I mean, once." Everly ran a nervous hand through her hair. "In a lab. Then I passed out."

She turned around and poked her head over the top of her cover, waiting anxiously for the signal. A few seconds of nothing passed before her mouth fell open and her eyes grew wide. Scott had become huge, gigantic. He latched onto Rhodey's foot as he flew by and held him in place with ease. Rhodes looked like a toy in comparison to the giant man.

"Holy shit." She gaped in amazement. 

"I guess that's the signal." Steve said slowly, staring up at Scott in awe.

"Way to go, Tic Tac." Sam exclaimed. Scott tossed Rhodey aside and Spider-Man jumped into the air to stop him.

Steve, Bucky, and Everly took off toward the quinjet while everyone else was preoccupied with Scott. His slow footsteps echoed through the airport as if he were godzilla. She peeked over her shoulder to see him position himself between them and T'Challa. She was suddenly even happier to have him on their side.

"You wanna get to them, you gotta go through me." Scott's menacing voice carried through the air and T'Challa skidded to a stop. Clint hurried over and started firing arrows at the black panther. Everly finally looked ahead of her once again, though she was overcome with the guilt of leaving their teammates behind.

"Something just flew in me!" Scott shouted. Everly's eyes widened as the tower beside the hangar began to crumble, a cloud of dust filling the air as it slowly fell. She pushed herself harder, her claves burning as her feet somehow sped up a bit more. Just before it reached the ground, a wave of red magic slipped beneath it, catching the building in the air. They spun around to see Wanda, cringing as she struggled to hold it in place. A pain-filled cry rang out as they continued running and the building continued its descent once more.

Crumbling pieces clattered to the concrete ground, Steve and Bucky just slipping through on time before the entrance was blocked. Everly dove forward, barely rolling to safety on the other side. She coughed through the dust as she dragged herself off the ground. She stumbled over to Steve and looked up to see Natasha standing before them, the quinjet so painfully close.

"You're not going to stop." She sighed. Steve shook his head lightly and a deep breath slipped past Everly's lips.

"You know I can't." He replied. Natasha shifted her weight from hip to hip and raised her fist toward them.

"I'm gonna regret this." She mumbled. Everly watched with wide eyes, flinching when the pulse of electricity whizzed straight past all of them. She frowned, spinning around to see T'Challa on the ground as he fought the shock. "Go."

The trio hesitated only a second before running for the quinjet. Natasha fired another pulse at T'Challa once he'd finally scraped himself off of the ground.

They all climbed inside and Steve slipped into the driver's seat. Everly stood by the window, watching as the ground grew further away, the fight a distant memory. She cocked a hip and frowned as a gray figure appeared between the clouds.

"Steve..." She called. 

He turned around and his jaw clenched when he spotted the incoming metal man. Tony appeared beside Rhodes, and the pair were slowly but surely gaining on the quinjet. Sam slipped between the clouds next, shooting a few small missiles at Rhodey. A yellow beam pierced the sky and Sam rolled aside to dodge, though Rhodes wasn't so lucky. Everly gasped, pressing her hands to the cold glass as the beam struck the glowing arc-reactor on his chest. She watched in horror as he went limp and began to fall from the sky. He spiraled out of control, a trail of smoke following him toward the ever approaching ground. Stark immediately changed course, now speeding after his helpless friend. Her stomach dropped as he did and she flinched when he slammed into the ground, a cloud of dust encircling him.

Everly || Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now