Zunie's face dropped, and her eyebrows pushed together.

"W-well he deserves-s to be punished-d fo-or gett-ting you stuck in he-ere." She growled. I tried to laugh, but it came out as a broken wheeze. 

"It's not-t all-l his fault. I was rekless-s enough-h to put myself i-in the open-n. Long-g story." I smiled, recalling how mad Zuko looked when that bandit called him a loser. 

"You-u haven't told me-e y-your name." The girl told me. 

"My name-e is K-Katara. It's n-nice to meet you."

 The girl coughed and reached for the blanket around her face, tugging it off and slipping it under the bars of her cell, pushing it over to me. 

"H-here! You-u n-need it much m-more than I d-do." She smiled. 

It was such a small gift, but it meant so much, coming from someone who had so little. I almost refused, but my body yearned for the warm fabric to wrap my skin in it's heat. I curled up on the floor, and let sleep take it's toll.


"Hey! Let go of her!" A small voice yelled. 

My eyes shot upon. I tried to struggle, but it was too late. Two earth kingdom guards bound my arms behind my back and hauled me to my feet, dragging me out of the rusty doorway. 

"ZUNIE!" I tried to yell, but my voice was nearly gone, so it sounded as a ragged whisper. I may have only met her, but I wasn't about to leave the child. I needed to get her out of here. 

"STOP!" I yelled, struggling against my restraints with the last amount of strength I had, but all I managed to do was break free from one of the soldiers grasps. "LET GO OF ME!!"

The next thing I knew I was backhanded across the face by one of the guards, my left cheek stinging as they lifted me off the ground and dragged me down the hall and out of the door and into the cold.


"I HOPE YOU SCOUNDRELS DIE IN THE MOST PAINFUL WAY POSSIBLE!"I screamed at the top of my lungs, which must have come out as a muffled yell due to the BAG OVER MY HEAD. 

I huffed in protest, my vocal cords screaming in anguish, but I continued to scream at the top of my lungs. If I am to be tied down and blinded, I will not do it quietly.

"I HOPE YOU ARE ALL KILLED IN A HORRIBLE FIRE!" I yelled. I was running out of insults, and I could hear some of the guards snickering. Ugh! Those stupid bastards! Not telling me where I am, where they took me, or even why I'm here.

"TAKE THIS STUPID BAG OFF MY HEAD! I CANT BREATH!" I yelled, but was quickly answered.

"Of course! This is no way to treat an honored guest!" Said a cool voice from across the room. I felt two hands untying the bag from my head, and then removing the knots from my wrists and legs. 

I jumped up, ready to fight, but was shocked from my surroundings. I was in a large throne room, the walls covered in gold lining and expensive green wallpaper. The floor was covered in soft velvet carpet, with steps leading up to a gold platform that held one large throne. It was covered in gems and diamonds, the seat covered in layers of plush cushions. All along the fancy walls were portraits and drawings, each more unique than the next. 

The man walking up onto the platform was obviously a prince. Yes, I had seen his type before. Young, lazy, feeding off of their fathers money until they get the will, but this prince, he took the cake. The robe he was wearing must have been at least fifteen pounds, with a fancy tunic on underneath that was lined with gold and diamonds. The earrings on each ear looked so heavy they made his ears droop, and don't get me started on the NECKLACES. He wore so many you couldn't even see his NECK. 

"Where am I?!" I yelled, regaining my composure. The man laughed, ignoring my question.

"Oh silly, silly girl. Does it really matter where you are? Your with me!"

Excuse me?! Silly girl? No man, especially some stuck up prince, is ever allowed to talk to me like that. I crossed my arms across my chest and scowled. 

"I'm not a silly girl. My name is Katara, and I'd prefer if you addressed me as that. Now I'll ask this again; Where am I?" 

The man raised an eyebrow and advanced down the steps until he was right in front of me, staring right into my eyes. They were a brilliant blue, but they were cold and dead. 

"You are in the City of Valor, in the Earth Kingdom." He said, spinning on his heel and marching back up the stairs. After flopping onto his throne, he clapped his hands and two servants quickly hurried into the room, each carrying a silver platter with two glowing orange drinks. 

"Drink up. You must be thirsty after such a long journey." He said, lazily taking the drink and slurping it down. In a fit of anger, I chucked the drink at his throne, and it shattered about an inch from his head. 

"YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO KEEP ME HERE! I WAS KIDNAPPED AND THROWN INTO A CELL, AND NOW I'M STUCK IN THIS ROOM WITH YOU!? I DON'T THINK SO!"I yelled at the top of my lungs. The prince didn't seem shocked by my outburst at all, rather amused.

"They told me you were feisty. I didn't realize how much so, Katara." He chuckled, continuing to drink from his juice. I narrowed my eyes at him and instinctively crossed my arms. 

"How do you know my name?" I asked. 

"Well, speaking of names, mine is Botan." He said, completely ignoring my question yet again. I huffed in anger. Who did this... this BOTAN think he is? Kidnapping me from a mission, hauling me half way across the world and not even telling me why I'm here!

"If you want to know why your here, Katara, then I shall tell you." He smiled, and I rolled my eyes. FINALLY.

"You have been brought here so I can marry you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2020 ⏰

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