(with grey hair :D)

His eyes widened and looked around. His eyes landed on a crumpled body behind the table leg. He quickly ran over and knelt down to shake the creature. It rolled over and Jimin was face to face with another boy with black hair and dark eyes. He wore a black and red sweater with dark jeans. 

Jimin was stunned by his beauty before he shook his head and offered a hand up to the boy

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Jimin was stunned by his beauty before he shook his head and offered a hand up to the boy. Once the boy was standing they turned to the Nutcracker, who had been waiting for the two. He walked over. 

"Thank you for breaking the curse." The Nutcracker bowed to Jimin.

The boy also bowed. "Yes, thank you."

Jimin tilted his head. "You're welcome. But who are you?"

The boy smiled, showing a smile that resembled a bit like a bunny. "My name is Jeongguk. I was the son of a mouse catcher. I would often be the one who would try and coax the mice out while my father would exterminate them. At one house, as I went in to find where the mice were, I stumbled upon the Mouse Queen. Later I learned that the Mouse Queen had been thinking of getting herself a Mouse King. The Mouse King would have to obey her and not be too stupid so that he could fight for her. Unfortunately her subjects were obedient but cowardly, so when she saw me, she casted a magic spell on me. I didn't know what happened. One moment I was in a house, the next moment I was eye to eye with the Mouse Queen and unable to disobey her. It scared me and when I tried calling, my voice wouldn't come out. The furniture was also very large, and then I realized I was a mouse myself. I had been cursed by the Mouse Queen to be her Mouse King. I couldn't speak or do anything unless she ordered. I didn't know how to break the curse, so thank you." Jungkook bowed again. 

Jimin nodded and looked over at the Nutcracker.

The Nutcracker offered a hand. "My name is Namjoon. I was given this curse by trying to take it off Princess Amber. Thank you so much for breaking the curse." He smiled, making dimples show up. Jimin had to fight the urge to poke them. 

Jimin then gasped. "Namjoon?! Oh my! I had just heard of the curse today! Taehyung misses you and oh my god!"

Namjoon laughed. "Yes. Taehyung tried his best to help the curse. Eventually we decided to turn me into a real nutcracker and hopefully have someone help break the curse. In which you have, for both of us."

Jimin smiled. His eyes disappearing into crescents.

Jeongguk tapped Jimin's shoulder. "Now that you know who we are, what's your name?"

"Oh! I'm sorry. My name is Jimin. I was given the nutcracker by my Godfather Drosselmeyer. It is a pleasure to meet you." He bowed in introduction. "Now that introductions are finished. Now what?"

The three look between them. Jeongguk then cleared his throat. "Um. I could show you guys a path to the parlor." He said, getting quieter near the end when the others look at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2021 ⏰

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